Just In
for Heart of Eternity

10/12/2015 c17 Avid Reader
Another great chapter, full of witty humour and fantastic drama. I'm hoping this 'confusing' attraction between Narayan and Paige will lead to something more.
10/12/2015 c16 Avid Reader
OMG! I loved this chapter. Finally they're both reconciled that they below together ;) Can't wait to read more.
10/1/2015 c15 Avid Reader
Great chapter. Saladin nearly ruined things again with Teagan. Thank goodness for Dray.
9/30/2015 c14 Avid Reader
Nice chapter. It seems that Kaitlyn has some sort of hormonal charm over the dragons with very steamy consequences. I'm liking Thomas less and less though. If he's working with Mira and Morgan things aren't looking too good for the Druid sisters.
9/30/2015 c13 Avid reader
That love scene was well worth the wait. Loved it!
9/30/2015 c12 Avid reader
LOL, I loved that awkward moment in the car park. The shopping trip was a hoot, Grace truly is both scary and adorable. So much to like about this chapter, it had it all, humour, drama, sexual tension. Can't wait to read more.
9/30/2015 c11 Avid Reader
I loved Saladin's POV after the bathroom scene, poor tortured man ;) The tension between them hasn't eased by the looks though, if anything the are more attracted to one another than they were before. Great chapter.
9/30/2015 c10 Avid reader
That was an interesting insight into both Narayan's background and also Paige. Grace seems like a cute if not scary little tyke. I wonder what Thomas is after exactly. Visiting Elise at her school like a stalker isn't a very good introduction.
9/30/2015 c9 Avid reader
Intriguing, I like the sound of these Fey dragons, especially Vaughn ;) That was a very interesting and hot scene in there too with Kaitlyn and Raif ;) Looking forward to more of that.
9/30/2015 c8 Avid Reader
I loved this chapter, a very steamy bathroom scene. I can't wait for more of that ;)
9/30/2015 c7 Avid reader
The plot thickens. Saladin has fixed his hunger problem but it seems that Teagan's problems may have grown with the appearance of her long lost father. I don't trust him, he has an ulterior motives.
9/30/2015 c6 Avid reader
It seems that Teagan is coping with the tension better than Saladin. It looks like his weakened physical state may have also affected his judgement and it was Gustav who coped the brunt of his foul mood. Great chapter.
9/30/2015 c5 Avid reader
It seems that reality is a hard pill to swallow. Teagan may not like the fact that she is going to be staying with Saladin but the sexual attraction between them will be pretty intense. I can't wait :)
9/30/2015 c4 Avid Reader
Great chapter. I loved how the moody men took over the situation. I'm curious though about what happened with Teagan and the drunk at the bar. Was that a warning sign before her collapse or something else? Can't wait to find out.
9/30/2015 c3 Avid Reader
Poor Saladin doesn't seem to be having any better time than Teagan. In fact his physical health seems to have declined. I can't imagine that is too healthy for a vampire.
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