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for Does It Matter?

1/11/2018 c1 Fishnamedjim
Love this story! Hope you continue with it!
8/19/2017 c7 4R. Ficst
I'm loving all of the nuances you are exploring, and these beautiful relationships and abilities. I do hope you may return to update!
2/28/2016 c7 5Crepuscular Bean
This is an amazing story, and I really enjoy it! Are you planning on updating it again?
2/5/2016 c7 Rhodry-Arterius
All of the smuty goodness, keep up the great work.
12/28/2015 c7 littleprince233
Awesome story
please update
1/25/2015 c7 Luminariel
More soon please! Please, pretty please, with butter and gravy?
1/13/2015 c7 prolong
Geez, this feels like a cliff-hanger even though I know it really isn't. The story itself is just so engaging though. I love that your character's faults are so apparent - it creates so much drama, but I'm pretty riveted.
1/10/2015 c7 A Fan
10/21/2014 c7 mukina
Haha, love seeing the jealousy come out. Great story, keep up the good work!
10/13/2014 c7 anon
are you going to finish the story?
10/9/2014 c7 shiverfox
Adorable story! I love everyones' relationship :D
9/3/2014 c7 spcecse7
Hey love the story so far hope u update soon :)
4/16/2014 c7 Myra Aliquis
I love this story and the characters. I hope you keep writing because you have a lovely style. :)
4/2/2014 c6 Guest
Love this so much! Please update soon :)
3/28/2014 c6 5nekohime
My brain is making a chant of "Brayan and Bug", "Brayan and Bug", "Brayan and Bug" - well you get the deal I want more of them maybe an extra of just them in the near future? pretty please with cherry on top? /very persuasive flirty smile/
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