Just In
for Three Words

3/2/2014 c1 Guest
Sounds interesting! Hope you update soon. I can't wait to meet Sonny. :D
2/2/2014 c1 7gulistala
Well, this is interesting. Drama doesn't seem to begin to describe the tangled web she holds in her hands. Can't wait to read more!
1/29/2014 c1 Nikki-Nix
That was one hell of a first chapter. I can't wait to read more.
1/28/2014 c1 1RobotInTheHead
You probably don't remember but I have read all of your stories here and on fanfiction, so I am super glad you are back! and I have to say this story was one of my favourites. Hopefully we see more of it!
1/28/2014 c1 1Neneng
I can already tell this is going to be an interesting story c: I'm already enjoying the protagonist, she's... Well... Unique haha. Update soon!
1/28/2014 c1 ess3sandra
i hope greg can match the main character in coolness! )

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