Just In
for Life is a box of chocolates (Anthology)

6/14/2020 c15 zagato
This story is so cheerful and hopeful that I remember this the most in your anthology of stories. Thank you!
1/30/2019 c6 zagato
This is dark and awesome, thanks!
12/25/2017 c15 70BradytheJust

Every part of this, from the Woo triplets dialogue, to "Weng is never late!" to the encounter with Teacher B, was masterfully written and perfect.

I could see every cute moment and setting, from the picnic to the school lot, to the store, in my mind's eye. Even the kids sitting on their aunt and telling her not to be jealous... I melted!

Thank you for taking the time to write this amazing story and I hope for more in the future. :)
11/6/2017 c6 25Jaya Avendel
I must have seen the monster in the man when I fell in love with him . . . I love that line, and the whole story. She is especially appealing.
11/6/2017 c3 Jaya Avendel
What an interesting concept. It is a little bit creepy and it have me chills but you represented it very, very well. I feel kind of sad-no I feel sad for that poor kid. What a life to grow into.
7/28/2016 c14 70BradytheJust
Now I'm sad again... :(
Losing a friend is hard enough, losing a friend who was like an older brother to you is much harder... and she didn't even get a chance to say goodbye.
Your word choice was wonderful as always and I especially liked "There were so many words in her head, yet not enough to built a bridge to reach him."

Reading this story was a wonderful experience and I'm glad I got to see more of your writing. :)
7/28/2016 c12 BradytheJust
So cute! :D

I can just imagine the Baby and the Mermaid having their long conversations and our MC not knowing a thing! Another wonderful story with your fairytale and I want a sequel! Does the Baby's mother come back?

Amazing job and my favorite chapter so far!
7/28/2016 c11 BradytheJust
And here I thought this was just a story about a doggie!

I will say that you did a good job with placing yourself inside the head of a dog (I have a dog myself and he's my best friend :D) and I love how she reacted to meat, and the leash, and humans... all around amazing.

So is the dog a prison for the woman that Al loves? That's the one part that was a bit confusing for me, but I want to say that the dog and the woman are somehow connected.

Great job! :)
7/28/2016 c10 BradytheJust
Holy heck and hold the door! (pun intended)

Man, I really feel like the characters could have made it work! D: I really loved the allusion to doors and the MC asking her boyfriend to leave and stop repeating the cycle of mistakes. I also liked how the only way out of the cycle was to lie.

I also loved the last line of story, and I really want a sequel!
7/27/2016 c9 BradytheJust
Awww :(
Once again another wonderfully worded work by you! (say that five times fast!)

I'm a (pretty) good guy myself, but I do often wonder "What's so good about being good."
I hope SKB doesn't die! I really want a sequel now, one where they can be together!
7/27/2016 c8 BradytheJust
Well seeing as how the word 'happy' is in italics, I'm not sure if the girl wants to be with the guy...
However, I did love your word choice and the emotion behind this piece. I've dealt with "Caring too much" before. Doing everything you can for a girl and then just having them leave... I've also dealt with promises and how hard it can be to keep them when they're right in front of you.

This story was brilliant and made me cry... I need to cuddle How.
7/26/2016 c6 BradytheJust
Well, that was a mix between the hunger games and a beauty pageant!
Once again you did a wonderful job with the word choice and the emotions of the MC. it was really interesting to see how she navigated the trials and even though she didn't win the game, she won in the end.

I also liked her answer to the question about the monster. "Yes, for surely I would have seen the monster in the man." Kinda reminds me of the Incredible Hulk.

Great job!
7/26/2016 c5 BradytheJust
Oh just when I'd forgotten how sad the ending to HTF was! Argh, this really was an interesting route to go but I like the happy ending better.

Although I must ask, Where is Why? :)
7/26/2016 c4 BradytheJust
Well, now I'm hesitant about using Google chat! :)

I really liked your word choice in this chapter. The keys like gunfire, the notifications like loaded guns, backpedaling into inoffensive white. It really made the story come alive for me. Even that sound "Click" made me feel like I was watching a horror movie.

I also liked the aspect of the people you meet online not being who they say they are and the friendships you can form with people you've never met.
Great job :D
7/25/2016 c3 BradytheJust
Well, this is getting a bit creepy...
All this talk of promised ones and losing control of your body reminds me of "All of Him"
But having copies of a body of a woman to use for... pleasure ugh!
I also liked how the MC seemed to be in love with Claudia and I can imagine the pain of seeing the girl you love with a different "master" every day.

Great job! ;)
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