Just In
for A Distance Too Vast

9/6/2014 c5 MT
Awesome story so far! Although she's kinda stuck up... Would love to see what happens next!
4/14/2014 c1 1Edna-Mode413
Interesting premise
4/7/2014 c5 5Max Sorrell
I really liked the flash back. It reminded me of how I was like as a kid. I know a bit more about death than Angel though because my mom had sat me down one day and explained about it and Heaven and Hell. Death is confusing though so I can see why Angel was the way she was. :(
4/3/2014 c4 Max Sorrell
I love the contrast in Nico and Angel. Nico gives the story a really interesting point of view and I agree with him even though he isn't royal that doesn't mean he's worth less.
3/10/2014 c2 Max Sorrell
Awesome writing! :D
Nico seems like an interesting character. I found it funny and believable how quickly his attitude toward Angel changed once he learned her real identity. XD
3/8/2014 c1 Max Sorrell
I love your start. The poem, the description of the main characters, everything is perfect so far! I can't wait for the next chapter. :D
3/8/2014 c1 Mikarru
Aww, the poem and the writing is beautiful. You have a gift. Can't wait for the next chapter :)

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