Just In
for In Front of Me

3/14/2020 c6 Sallysl
So I suddenly remembered this story. Seems hopeless at this point, but I'll like you continue or finish it. Such a mature heroine is uncommon, I love this story.
9/13/2015 c6 Sally
Okay, I'm seriously pissed! It's been almost a year! WHEN ARE YOU UPDATING!?
12/11/2014 c6 9Mickey Phinney
Ah and the last line made my inner fandom scream so loud I just went deaf. Great Job!
12/6/2014 c1 Sally
Why aren't you writing further?
9/12/2014 c5 shinju asuka
Great that their dinner date went well! Please continue to write!
9/5/2014 c5 Guest
Amazing story! Please continue!
8/19/2014 c1 Sally
This is a really cool story. When are you going to upload again?
7/14/2014 c4 5Solipsist
What is a Micah and where can I get one? Great update! I'm seriously in love with these two characters! Looking forward to more :)
7/14/2014 c4 shinju asuka
Awww... Love how the relationship between Kelsey and Micah develops! I'm looking forward to your next chapters!
6/11/2014 c3 L.R. Skynner
I love this story so far! Absolutely wonderful! Thank you and I will be awaiting the next update :)
6/3/2014 c3 Solipsist
I really love how believable this story is! Good job, I'm excited for more :)
5/30/2014 c2 Lady Morrighan
Great start, can't wait for the next chapter!
5/28/2014 c1 leavemeialone
I am curious as to her past . . . why she doesn't want to fit Micah into her life? As of right now, it is still so new. I can't really decide how I feel about these characters. All I know is this story seems like it could quite interesting. I look forward to the next chapter.

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