Just In
for The Girl Outside My Window

4/24/2016 c1 36waad
This was honestly great. It flowed smoothly and weaved a story without breaking rhythm. For some reason, the first stanza stood out to me, especially the 'with only grief to hold me' line as I could easily imagine the setting. I also loved the line 'swears to never lose her voice, to the ugliness in men', and the very last line.

Basically, I loved the whole poem. Great job!
7/3/2015 c1 70atalantea
I love it. I find that it's not easy to have a smooth flowing rhythm and story at the same time. You did that superbly.

I especially like the ending. I love the last line, that the whole poem built. I for some reason see vividly the image of the tear clinging to her chin and I like that.

Great job. Keep writing!
9/17/2014 c1 Jess
Hey! I haven't been on in a while! But I wanted to say this is awesome! I love the imagery, the flow and the darker ending. Its beautiful. Reminded me of an ed sheeran song. The emotion is very raw and captivating and I cant remember enjoying a poem so much. Great one john! I miss our messages too. I hope you're doing well!
6/20/2014 c1 182J.L.Rodriguez
Extraordinary piece, I am awed by the dialogue, emotion and imagery all throughout your work. There is a need to almost rescue this poor soul, lost and in agony over life and its heartache. I enjoyed this piece very much, you told a wonderful story.
6/16/2014 c1 54Darkenedpoetry
Ohh... boy. Sad, but pretty. Hey grammar, by the way: before the moments severed. before the moment's severed. Sorry, I just hate... good though!

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