Just In
for The School Bully

12/12/2015 c27 Emoji
Haha funniest chapter! So good
It was so so so cute what Leon did for her, she's so lucky. The bracelt he got her sounded absoutly amazing. I can't believe scary Leon did all that for Sophia. Really love chapters like this one, I'm glad he invited Terry and Hannah. HAHA Skull was chasing Hannah? Hah I laughed at that part so much. OMG! John full has a crush on Terry. Hopefully they get together ;) they seem cute together. If they do Sophia and Leon can have double dates with them. One question- in your side story for TSB Are Sophia and Leon going to be in it at all? Anyway I loved this chapter it was so good! You did a perfect job as always :D next chapter is making me very curious as to who this girl is.
12/12/2015 c27 Guest
Awesome chapter, it was adorble. I wish I had a boyfriend like Leon. His amazing the things he does for Sophia is so cute. Your not going to split them up are you? Please don't do that! I'll be so sad if you did. I love chapters like this one though cute and full of fluff. Sooo cute. Leon and Sophia are perfect for each other obviously.
12/12/2015 c27 CookiesCream101
Firstly OMG! Best chapter I absoutly loved it. It was so so cute. Leon is the sweetest boyfriend ever. I'm glad his friends wanted to celebrate Her birthday with her as well :D Hah seriously Everytime Skull and John are near each other I always have a laugh their too funny lol. I knew Leon would love her in a bikini ;) now I'm really looking forward to the naughty scene between the two. But seriously Leon is so darn sweet Sophia is the luckiest. The next chapter is making me go nuts who is the girl? Who is she? I can't wait to find that out. Just wondering how old will Sophia turn? 16 or 17?
12/12/2015 c27 ThatReviewer
I love this chapter a lot! When I saw you updated I freaked out cuz I was so happy!

Leon and Sophie is really really cute. I laughed at the begging when Sophie's dad was being annoying. I used to really not like Leon's friends, but I really really like them now.

Anyway, great chapter. Loooooved it. Can't saw more now because I have finals next week and have to study more Spanish and Physics. XP

12/12/2015 c27 TicoTaco
Oh my god, the fluff ! Yes I want more of that and seeing the sneak peek I have a feeling that you're about to pull the carpet from under our feet.
Awesome chapter I loved Leon's struggles after seeing her XD
12/12/2015 c27 Guest
I just LOVED this chapter! It was so funny and cute. I'm glad Leon invited Terry and Hannah. The gangs all together. I loved when he thought she was drowning! Ha that was cute. Her whole birthdah suprise was brilliant. Glad Sophia had a good time. I knew Leon would get horny when he saw her in the bikini hehe can't wait for them to do the nasty.
12/12/2015 c26 PLL
Update please? I can't wait to read more x
12/12/2015 c26 3TheClosetWriter16
Absolutely loved the chapter (when do I not? Your story is perfect hehe)! I hope his internal reaction to the confession was a good one and not 'oh no, this is too real' before breaking her heart :( Your little previews get me so excited for the next chapter, hope you update soon!
And I'm 18 and from Australia :)
12/11/2015 c26 G.U.E.S.T
I'm in love with the way Leon is around Sophia. I love when he gets all protective of her. It's so cute. Leon and Sophia's love makes me all tingly inside? They are too cute. it melts my heart. I can't wait for the dirty scene ;) looking forward to that. Hopefully you write it in detail ;) hehe. Crazy Happy that Leon and Rohan are still friends I was worried their friendship would be ruined but thank goodness it's not. Great chapter I loved it, it was so cute. Can't wait for the next update xx
12/11/2015 c26 Ngoc1231
Aww, so much happened that I loved. This was definitely one thing that had made finals week a lot more bearable.

I definitely loved how Leon took care of Sophia and then when Sophia was talking to her parents about them staying together. And the mom is totally right about what she'd do and how she would do that just to keep his money.

I can't wait for the next update!
12/10/2015 c26 Guest
The song Happy endings by Mika reminds me of Leon, his dad and his mum. Not sure why but as soon as I heard it I instantly thought of Leon and his family issue. If you get the chance you should listen to it. Can't wait for the next update.
12/9/2015 c26 Beyoncefever27
Couldn't have asked for a better chapter. Absoutly perfect. Don't worry you did put it in a lot of detail into the party chap so don't sweat about that. I think Ive already read it 3 times now since you updated, what can I say? I'm addicted. I LOVE the way Leon acts around Sophia, his so protective of her it's so cute. Am so happy Leon and Rohan are still friends. I was worried the whole situation would effect their friendship but thank gosh it didn't. I love nice cute chapters like this just LeonXSophia spending quality time together with his friends I really like those chapters. Skull and John always have me laughing when ever their arguing with each other.

Boys be 21
Looking 18
Acting 14
Excatly how Skull and John act when their around each other haha. You belong with me by Taylor swift reminded me of Sophia and Leon. You should listen to it, not sure if you like Taylor Swift or not but it's a really good song and you should check it out. Also I'm 16 and My family originate from Russia but they moved to Australia way before I was born. So I don't speak Russian nor do I have the accent lol. I love the previews of the next chapter. Can't wait to see what Leon has planned. Also what chapter do you think their going to have sex?
12/8/2015 c26 LeonXSophia
ok I am officially crazy about your story. I read the first chapter and couldn't stop. I love everything about your story especially the characters your so lucky to own them. The only thing I dislike about it is the way Sophia acts around Leon like she's still scared of him I mean has he not proven him self to her, he will never hurt her but I guess she is just still adjusting to dating a bully. Love conquers all. They are a really cute couple though and the way he treats her like a delicate little flower its so adorable, he doesn't like her getting hurt which is absoutly adorable. I love it when she hangs out with his friends.

I noticed one mistake
Skull jumped back in terror when Leon started to rise, fully intending cause him some serious bodily harm. It should say Skull jumped back in terror when Leon started to rise, fully intending to cause him some serious bodily harm. Your missing the 'To' I think lol

I'm so excited to read more and can't wait for the next update
12/8/2015 c26 Anonymous
12/7/2015 c26 Sleepy Hallow69
Well firstly my names Chelsey, I'm 17 and I'm from Canada. I don't have a fictionpress account and I doubt I will ever get one, I don't write stories I just read them and I've read heaps of stories and none of them make me feel the way your story does. I can't get enough of 'The School Bully' I'm constantly checking to see if you have updated or I'm re reading other chapters it just has me hooked. One of the many things I love about this story is the romance pretty much started from the first chapter and with other stories it's like there's let's say 20 chapters and the author makes them hate each other and then they fall in love at chapter 17 and it only gives you a little romance but with this story you have heaps of romance scenes and I love that a lot.
I can't wait for you to update so excited for the next chapter.
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