Just In
for The School Bully

8/26/2015 c17 Beyoncefever27
Incredible story. I loved it, I've already read it twice. I really liked all the characters (Yes even Terry). I think Leon and Sophia make a really cute couple she's the shy innocent nerd and his the hard headed badass, Everytime they kiss I get butterfly's in my stomach. This is defiantly my favourite FanFiction. I hope Sophia meets Leon's friends soon? I mean I know that John likes her but I want to see what Skull and Rohan think of her. I think Sophia should ask Leon how many girlfriends his had because I would like to see his answer as well. I also want Leon to get to know Hannah a little better considering she's Sophia's only friend. Can't wait for you to update next.
8/25/2015 c17 Emoji
I just finished reading your story and I have to say you did a really good job. 17 was defiantly my favourite chapter, I'm not saying I didn't like the other chapters because I really liked them but I feel as if Leon and Sophia are more connected considering Sophia knows about his mother and I believe his starting to open up more to her because in one chapter Sophia had said Leon would always remain a mystery to her well that might have been the case but not anymore. I really like all of Leon's friends because their loyal and they worry about Leon even though he can be very mean to them but I like when they fight with each other it's kinda hot :3 but seriously though their amazing I hope you let Sophia meet all three of them soon? That should be very interesting. Wow he was masterbating to thoughts of Sophia? He must have it bad for her. Can't wait for you to update again I really looking forward to reading more XXXXX
8/25/2015 c17 ShakeItOff
I'm so happy you updated, this chapter is now one of my favourites, Sophia is defiantly going to be losing her V card very soon, I can't wait for you to do a bed scene between Sophia and Leon that's going to be so hot! Haha I really like Leon's friends, their all amazing. This is seriously my favourite story in the world and I'm not lying, your such a good author and I can't wait to read more of this story. I literally check your page everyday to see if you update I'm that obsessed with this story. Anyway can't wait for you to update again please don't make me wait another month to read this? I'll die haha xoxo
8/25/2015 c17 XxForeverxX
Great update! Can't wait for more! I love your work, I just can't seem to stop re-reading them. This story was a little dark and mysterious. I honestly thought that Leon and his friends were a part of some Mafia gang or something. But anyways I love it all. But Sophia is a little too submissive, so maybe as you progress through the story you could make Sofia a more confident and more assertive character? And one more thing, where do you get the inspiration to create such interesting and amazing stories? Please continue writing, I really enjoy reading your work.
Good luck! :)
8/24/2015 c17 Guest22
at last you update, this chapter was incredible I loved it, I have a funny feeling Terry lost her virginity to John? We will have to see but seriously you did a really good job and I can't wait for you to update again
8/24/2015 c17 SpunkybtchX
Can it be? Or have I officially gone crazy? NO you actually updated! I'm so bloody happy right now. The sexual tension between Leon and Sophia is just crazy, their obviously ready to take it to the next stage ;) hehe. I love when Leon spends time with his friends their all awesome!

I hope Sophia tells him she loves him and hopefully he doesn't turn her down even though his starting to feel the same as well. When he lifted her up against the wall I nearly died that was so hot! I saw that you said you were going to do something to the characters? Please don't do anything bad, if any characters die then I'll be so sad. Everything single character is absoutly amazin can't wait for you to update again and please don't take to long like last time.. Xoxo Becca
8/24/2015 c17 LoveIs4EverCrazy
YES! You updated. OMG! I was so happy when I saw that you had updated. I loved this chapter! I'm glad you didn't make Leon and Sophia have sex because I want them to do it in a perfect setting like a bedroom not the back of a truck. But seriously I can't believe you updated I am so happy, yay but please next time you update don't make me wait as long even though the chapter was very much worth the wait :D
8/24/2015 c17 4Leasah
The beginning of this chapter was so sweet. I found the part where Leon found Christian's pictures funny, because I was curious about jealous Leon and now we've seen him. Scary.
Thanks for the chapter!
8/24/2015 c17 KarasunoFan
Perturbed by his violent outbursts. What kind of pills was he throwing away? I definitely believe Leon is redeemable but as an auntie of teenagers my anxiety is arosed. Though that is a tribute to how well you write. I am actually feeling quite anxious about your characters. You have made me invested in them.
8/24/2015 c17 TicoTaco
That second scene though, how he carried her and all that, I have been waiting for this update to see that Christian part, and what he did afterwards, My god...
On the very first scene I took a double take cause what I assumed after that last chapter is that they went to her house or his, I was like 'Ohmygod, What on earth happened here ?'
Well played, Author, Well played.
8/22/2015 c16 Tar
"... My cousin."
At this point, it doesn't make sense for Sophia to be so afraid of her boyfriend that she'd let a misunderstanding like this fester. Please don't overwork his jealousy. That would be soapy and gimmicky.
8/15/2015 c16 Guest
I liked it update can't want to see how pissed he'll be
8/14/2015 c16 ShakeITOff
I really loved this story to the moon and back 3 I really loved the characters :D even Terry- I really want to see what happened between her and John I mean there obviously has to be something right?

I was also wondering were you going to write about Leon's other girlfriends? I would really like to see how Sophia reacts to meeting his other past relationships. Anyway just want to let you know that this is my favourite story of all time and I hope you update really soon can't wait to read more Lefia (a name I just came up with combining Leon and Sophia's name)
8/10/2015 c16 1CoolKatt560
Op. Shieet. This chapter got me trapped in my feels. And can't wait for the next one! Love it
8/4/2015 c16 spunkybtchX
Hey Becca again. I finished reading this amazing story. I didn't review every chapter because I thought it might annoy you the author so I descided just to read it and review the last chapter. I have loved every single chapter in this book, I loved all the characters and I really loved how you give us a little preview on the next chapter, I seriously can't wait for you to update again because I seriously need to read the next chapter it sounds so interesting :-D xoxo
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