8/17/2014 c3
Ha, that was funny. Her mouth is going to make everything so much more entertaining.

Ha, that was funny. Her mouth is going to make everything so much more entertaining.
8/15/2014 c2 NoKnownAgency
I like it. Yeah it's a little cliche, but it's definitely got enough real storytelling to be good. And this is the first story you've got published on here! That's great!
I like it. Yeah it's a little cliche, but it's definitely got enough real storytelling to be good. And this is the first story you've got published on here! That's great!
8/3/2014 c2
Aw Ethan seems kind of sweet under all the snarky comments and teasing. Haha I was really shocked at first when Ms. Joy called him a butt wipe. And is "Ms. Joy" by any chance a Pokemon reference? If not then its a funny coincidence :) good chapter and update soon

Aw Ethan seems kind of sweet under all the snarky comments and teasing. Haha I was really shocked at first when Ms. Joy called him a butt wipe. And is "Ms. Joy" by any chance a Pokemon reference? If not then its a funny coincidence :) good chapter and update soon
8/2/2014 c1 SunnySideUp26
Ooh I really liked this chapter! In my opinion, sleeping until eight pm is a major skill that she should put on her resume, haha! I like the name Arcadia, by the way (I have a strange obsession with interesting names). Anyway, I can't wait to read more :)
Ooh I really liked this chapter! In my opinion, sleeping until eight pm is a major skill that she should put on her resume, haha! I like the name Arcadia, by the way (I have a strange obsession with interesting names). Anyway, I can't wait to read more :)