Just In
for A Date with Angel (and other things that weren't supposed to happen)

3/31/2021 c35 The bad apple
This story is incredibly good.
11/15/2017 c35 Artly
This fun sci-fi romance story has a lot of character. I am so glad I came across it! The plot is unique as well as the characters. Kim's inner bickering thoughts did become a bit much and at times exhausting, but I thought her voice was strong and her weird way of thinking was recognized in the end. The relationship between Kim and Angel was entertaining and in the end sweet. I found it mostly one sided because of Kim's emotional immaturity, but Kim managed through some growth in the end.
7/10/2017 c13 huong6425
I just brought the Kindle version Audio! (Its really cheap - though I'm having problems getting Kindle to work on my PC at least Kindle Cloud works) Thanks for keeping this on FF I wouldn't have know about if I didn't see it here first.
7/10/2017 c1 huong6425
Great start!
3/22/2017 c35 4Symphonic Rain
I finished reading this story quite some time ago but just wanted to say, this is one of the best stories I have read on this site. The dynamics between Kim and Angel made me smile countless times. Simply brilliant. Hope your sequel turns out just as good!
11/7/2016 c35 SweetFangs
I don't remember if I've reviewed before but I'm doing it now.
I loved it. I loved everything. Some parts made me frustrated with Kim but it's all part of the story and charm. I'm so looking forward to the sequel. I was a bit confused at the ending (is Angel an android or an alien?) but still looking to the sequel.
11/1/2016 c34 Reader123

Well done! Half way though your story I was kind of thinking that Angel wasn't really an aliens, but I really didn't see her being an android. That actually surprised me.
6/11/2016 c33 Nejie
Bought a copy. Hope there's a sequel.
1/3/2016 c31 SecretlyAddictedtoFanFic
Ahhh! Couldn't wait to read what happens so bought this off amazon. Love this story! Kinda wish there was a epilogue where Kim makes Angel "happy" though. Looking forward to the sequel!
12/28/2015 c31 Heruelen
I actually bought this story on Amazon, and really liked it. Good work!
12/18/2015 c30 Darth swagman
This ever gonna get finished or nah
10/10/2015 c1 Chris42
I'm only half-way done with this book so far, but I've been meaning to leave a review forever. This story certainly wasn't what I expected; I don't like rom-coms, but this one twists everything around in such a way to make it a delight to read.

The main character, Kim, frustrates me to no end. Sometimes, I just want to smack her for being such an idiot. Angel, the other main character, is mysteriously aloof, somewhat calculating and (we believe) slightly clueless. I also want to smack her, but only to elicit a reaction from her that doesn’t seem to be premeditated. That being said, both Kim and Angel are true to form, and it's a mark of a good author to get you so invested in the characters that you do want to do them bodily harm.

Kim over-analyzes things to death and then gets to the point where she's decided to take the path that she was trying to talk herself out of in the first place. It's fun to follow her "logic" (I use the term loosely) which is, in normal circumstances, perfectly logical. Kim just takes it to the Nth degree and keeps adding on variables and circumstances and possible outcomes that completely overwhelm her original scenario. Her thought processes are the perfect example of "scope creep" (for those of you in the IT industry) and her resulting actions keep digging her in deeper and deeper.

Angel seems to be going along for the ride, but she also seems to have an overall agenda. Her actions are a result of Kim's actions, although she does take charge and (sometimes not-so) subtly push things along at points. Although her stepping up the game can easily be attributed to Kim's decisions, she obviously has some ulterior motive.

Overall, the interaction between the two characters moves at a rapid pace. Their conversations are witty and engaging, and Kim's neurotic inner-monologues are an absolute joy to read (even if I did want to smack her). Each escalation of the relationship between the pair starts out as Kim trying to outsmart Angel and get a handle on the situation. Angel's unprecedented (to Kim) reactions and then further actions only serve to move their relationship to the next level. And just as Kim finally seems to come to grips with what is going on around her and has internally justified the latest twist in her relationship with Angel, the author throws a monkey-wrench in the works and sets Kim off again.

As I've mentioned, I'm only half-way through the book so far, so I'm looking forward to see how everything gets resolved. For a first book, I think J. Judkins has outdone himself with a fantastic story. Kudos!
8/14/2015 c29 HojoHappyFunTime
Goodness, another chapter! Just the thing I need to brighten my otherwise dreary day.
And finally some truth, a few lies, and more truths! I'm glad to see Kim is finally realising that Angel's feelings are genuine and that it's not all part of some insane plot. I was beginning to worry she'd never catch on. Perhaps now she can let go of some of that paranoia. I'm excited to see what happens next, though I'm not sure I can wait! I might have to go buy the ebook instead.
6/23/2015 c28 Guest
This story is grat i couldn't stop laughting through the whole story:-)
5/14/2015 c26 Guest
Your writing is great, I really love this story, its funny and never bores me.
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