Just In
for The Lotus and The Loon

10/6/2020 c8 Guest
Omg yesssss
9/11/2020 c8 zagato
Thank you for the update. I am reading the story. Thank you!
4/16/2020 c7 Guest
You updated 5 hours ago but what was the update? I miss this story I really want to see what happened! The last chapter I read was THE biggest cliff hanger EVER!

Hope you're doing good!
2/15/2020 c11 Guest
Will we ever be able to read this again? It's such a good story! I can't find it anywhere :(
7/30/2019 c11 5Zane Nassour
I've notice that TLTL has been removed from Tapas. Iv eaten come back after ages to read it over again and can't find it...has something happened?
4/16/2019 c1 Guest
I've noticed that the story is gone from tapas... What happened?
3/9/2019 c11 Cielwing
Are you planning to continue the story up on tapas?
1/19/2019 c3 zagato
I'm surprised that Eden talked a lot in this chapter when she is supposed to be invisible. Atlas may be able to think that since Eden does not want to seduce him, she has a partner whose job is to seduce him. Thanks.
1/19/2019 c2 zagato
The king must have used magic to disguise himself from Eden. Nothing should have escaped her observation. Thanks.
1/19/2019 c1 zagato
This is a great start, thank you!
4/29/2018 c11 Acie
I tried to find this story elsewhere but no such luck... Now I'm sad
3/18/2018 c10 Guest
Congratulations, I hope this is working out for you. Please let us know when you publish the book - ebook or print because I would love to buy it
3/13/2018 c1 Acie
It's I can't find this story anywhere. It's not on FicFun or anywhere so help me
11/29/2017 c4 Guest
Ugh just so much excitement where do i even-
This chapter gives me life
11/29/2017 c3 Guest
Again i really enjoyed this. The banter between them is super entertaining and i get so nervous for Eden. I was laughing to myself imagining that Atlas was going to pull her hood down or something and Edens reaction would be to punch him in the nose. Sorry for the random thoughts haha but its 1am and i am loving this too much. Your ending note was quite sweet too, good on you.
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