Just In
for All That Matters

4/15/2021 c1 AvegaLil
This is a very well written story, and the author is obviously very talented, If you have some great stories like this one, you can publish it on Novel Star, just submit your story to or
7/11/2018 c24 21RainbowPearls
Aweeeessoomeee! Is this the end?
7/10/2018 c1 13Shailaputri
The author has a powerful writing style which makes one to feel through the characters of the story..
7/10/2018 c11 Shailaputri
So I think I could have misunderstood the story..he may not be the cheater.. sorry for the wrong assumptions..
7/6/2018 c8 Shailaputri
Cheating ex boyfriend as lead character... I really lost my interest.
5/29/2018 c23 Alexy
I need more. Am still waitinnn xoxo
5/21/2018 c23 DeliriousDreams
LOVE! Yass! My heart, I can’t. Please update soon, I can’t wait to read more. I love this story
5/7/2018 c22 Alexy
Dont leave me hanginggggg! So sweet
4/26/2018 c22 Jamiek620
Update soon please!
4/23/2018 c22 21RainbowPearls
Awwwr! So sweet! Can't wait for next!
4/23/2018 c22 1hannahward
Aargh, you can't leave it there!
4/23/2018 c22 dv36muskan
*prays* Oh God, make everything right again!
4/21/2018 c21 Me
So, if some girl asks him to kiss him or have sex with him while being in a relationship, he will let her? Wow... That's something to think about.
4/15/2018 c21 Guest
omg no no no! PLEASE update soon im dyingggggg i love this story!
4/1/2018 c21 Guest
Maybe she should give Derek a second chance, but not Valerie...
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