Just In
for Concerto

9/13/2014 c1 10rapunzoll
WOW! I love it, beautifully written with some lovely word choices. It reminded me a bit of the book 'If I Stay'. Favourited. :)
9/11/2014 c1 14metamodernmarx
This is a fantastic poem. I like how you bring in the orchestra to describe your theme of love - the overall texture is evocative and refreshing. Also, the general lack of punctuation brings about a fluid work, gushing through with vigour and passion. Your ending is beautiful in the sense that there is no sense of a proper ending - 'still' could be interpreted as a verb, likewise as an adverb, in which the sentence is left hanging there, uncertain of its fate. I've looked through your other works and am greatly impressed by them as well. Keep it up! :)

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