Just In
for Strictly Business

3/24/2021 c28 UzumakiMatsurika
Aw man. Living the story so far. I wonder what Jack would do next. Please update soon, I’ve realized it hasn’t since 2019. Please please finish.
1/21/2021 c28 Guest
Strong characters. It May be hard to finish the story and let them go, isn't it ?
1/21/2021 c28 Zertyul
Des personnages forts. Dur de mettre fin à l'histoire et de les quitter hein ?
12/24/2019 c28 Chimel321
Thanks so much for updating/ happy 2020
12/22/2019 c28 11CrystalHeartZyx
Ooo I've done that before, slipping from first person to third and varying the omniscience. Tis a true problem, especially when you're writing multiple stories with different narrator perspectives. One of my stories I literally write at the top of each section "First Person: 'name'" or "Third Person: 'name'" and another story I just straight up switch the POV and stubbornly won't actually label if we've switched so you just have to read to find out.
Anyway, glad to see you haven't given up. Sad to see Jack hasn't given up his stubbornness yet. Ah but that's why we love him. Sort of. At least you've got an end goal for your story, unlike me who's just like "Now I gotta write how shit goes down...why am I writing why shit goes down again?"
2/11/2019 c27 Chimel321
Great work !
7/22/2018 c26 laura
Legit forgot about this story. Still love it!
7/22/2018 c26 Lilly-is-trash
Missed You! i hope this is still fun to write, it's so upsetting seeing people get demotivated on their stories. i enjoyed this chapter, Cole is totally here for being a sugar daddy, it's pretty funny.
1/20/2018 c25 WhyWeWashTheWindows
I started this story a long while ago and stopped before the end of the first chapter. Somehow I found it again and gave it another go and I’m really glad I did. I’ve been mildly obsessed with your characters for three days now. I absolutely love Jack and Cole. No joke. I thought this hadn’t been updated in years so I was thrilled to see 2017 and now I can’t wait for the next update.
1/7/2018 c25 Laura
Is this being continued? :(
10/11/2017 c25 ruby
plllllease update soon! I love this story!
9/5/2017 c25 MacLekich
I am late! Yeah I don't know how many other future project ideas you have in mind, but I do think you have something special going with these characters - so I would be right behind a second draft if you decided to do it after you finish. Just to get SB and SC playing in and out of eachother more, and maybe to change up the speed of Jack and Cole a bit. Obviously it depends where your end game is about to be, so I don't want to make too many comments at this point! Got to say, its nice seeing Jack and Cole having a good time, while still snarking at eachother. I feel like they're too comfortable as if this is the end of the story or its all about to go south, but judging by your comments its the latter, so I look forward to that!
8/29/2017 c25 spoonring
Huh why was Cole "weird"? Looking forward to the next chapter!
8/25/2017 c25 rgrimes8989
So does Martin have a crush on Jack? Or is he just super nosy and personal? There's definitely something afoot with the way he's acting. Would never have been able to tell that most of this chapter was pre-written! It flowed well n I felt like the story was really advancing!
8/24/2017 c25 Karunjaal
Thank you for these updates they were a blessing :3 you write some pretty good smut, good focus on imagery and stuff.
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