Just In
for One and Only

3/21/2015 c8 oneofsevens
Looking forward to the next installment!
3/21/2015 c5 oneofsevens
Drazga - what a great name!
2/20/2015 c8 9NovemberRose1
Are you going to come back and finish this one?! You just left I hanging! I want to know why the monsters have boy, and if Zora is going to get him back!
1/3/2015 c5 Aurora Diana
I'm so sorry! I haven't been on for awhile but I love it! Haden is just so YES! And I'm like omg! I can just picture everything too! This is awesome!
12/16/2014 c7 1EttaInTimeAndSpace
You killed Katiq? No! NO! XD
12/9/2014 c7 1Tigerboy101
Wow... not sure what to say, though I am disappointed that Katiaq is dead. :/ But there's war for you, zombie apocalypse or not. Good people fall, but the remainder fight back. That's what happens.

Very well done chapter as always, and cannot wait for the next! Good work my friend. :)
12/7/2014 c6 1EttaInTimeAndSpace
Nice chapter :) Understandable, life is crazy for me and for everyone. Happy holidays as well!
12/6/2014 c6 1Tigerboy101
Awesome chapter! (As always) You did a very nice job on everything overall, and I am happy that everyone got outta that situation intact.

But on further notes,oh man, I think Jik likes Zora! :O I wasn't sure there was going to be any kind of romance in this story, (not that I have a problem if there wasn't) but that seems to be the direction your taking. i think they would make a good pairing though, but don't tell me what happens next! I want to see how it ends for them both.

Please update soon!
12/3/2014 c4 Aurora Diana
I love it still!
11/29/2014 c5 Tigerboy101
Very good! Very suspenseful, very splendid, and just a grueling interrogation! Zora taught that, "Bloodsucker," as you call them, a hard lesson. Chewing his fingers off, blagh! Can't say that would've been what i'd have done in her case, but she did show him not to mess with her!

lol Very amusing! That Haden fellow reminds me of a few humorous people in the "Walking Dead" series, if you have ever heard of that show before. He has a very unique personality compared to the other characters, I can see that right off the bat, and I like it personally. :) Even in the darkest hours of mankind's living, we can still find a way to bring some light to the situation. (This is one of my true beliefs) Haden- in my opinion, shows us this.

Hope to see another chapter soon! i praise you greatly on your well done work on this one!
11/29/2014 c5 1EttaInTimeAndSpace
Good chapter (as always) and poor Zora...
11/27/2014 c4 EttaInTimeAndSpace
Love your new chapter! :) Hope Zora's okay!
11/26/2014 c4 2Terra Booma
A cliffhanger! I hope Zora get ssome help

You better not kill off Katiq!
11/26/2014 c4 1Tigerboy101
Very good! Loved the chapter, though I could catch a few mistakes their... when you mentioned the odds of survival, Zora's survival, before she leaves for their mission, you indented in mid-sentence, which cuts of the setence, and makes your grammer confusing. You also forget and I.N.G at the end of the word "become," in the sentence, "but the probability of become(I.N.G) a fatality was also undeniable."

Just little things pretty much, but keep up the good work fellow author! The situation and plot thickens with each passing chapter, and now, I can tell things become very intense in the next few chapters! I can hardly wait to see what commences next, and I hope that Zora manages to get the heck out of there, and fast! ;)
11/24/2014 c3 2Terra Booma
Dang, Rovi seemed like a nice person. I wished he lived. D:

Maybe a medic character would be neat, or something

I want that fairy to be helpful, although I'm not sure how. Just a wish :P
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