Just In
for The Blacksmith's Bride

3/16/2016 c1 Guest
What happened to the rest of the story? Did you take it down for some reason?
12/13/2015 c1 1Edna-Mode413
Did you take the story down?
8/4/2015 c1 10Be My Valentine
A strong opening for a historical romance.
7/3/2015 c22 amelie
thank you for this 3
7/1/2015 c22 4Leasah
Thank you for sharing this amazing story with us!
I loved every bit of it. There was not a single thing I didn't like. The ending was so sweet. I'm glad that they both now realize how much they love each other. :)
I loved it.
7/1/2015 c22 WillowBloom
So sad that it is nearly over but it has been one of the best stories that i have read in a while. Good luck with any future stories and with the new book coming out.
6/30/2015 c22 shinju asuka
Waaaa... Can't believe it ends already! But i love it? So happy for them. I'm looking forward to reading the epilogue!
6/30/2015 c22 Elle Poko
I'm so relieved Joanna's all right. Not that I thought that she wouldn't live, but I was afraid that she'd lose the baby, which would've probably caused her some amount of hurt. I'm not sure could've handled it at that point with everything that had been going on and all. Thankfully everything worked out in the end.

I'm looking forward to the epilogue, though it's going to be bittersweet for me. I've really enjoyed this story and its characters so seeing all that come to an end is more than a little sad for me, even if it ends on a good note. Hopefully there will be a new story coming soon.
6/16/2015 c21 shinju asuka
Whoaa... The misunderstanding was cleared in unthinkable way (for me). Who expect Roger would tell the truth? Although everybody gets crazy because Joanna and Hal kept making assumptions without confirming it, in real life many people do that too. So all the problems happened in this story are believable to me.
I hope Hal could find her soon! This is amazing chapter! Can't wait for next chapter!
6/16/2015 c21 Guest
Yes, an update! I love the story. I will patiently wait for the next one. . .just don't wait too long.
6/15/2015 c21 Elle Poko
It's about time that Roger was actually honest with Hal, and while I still don't like him I'm glad he said to Hal because Hal honestly needed to hear it from someone even if it that someone had to be Roger. At least now he knows Joanna loves him. I just hope he can convince her that he loves her just as well.
6/15/2015 c21 WillowBloom
At last there are no more suspicion and doubt. i just hope he will get to her before it's too late. great chapter :)
6/15/2015 c21 Leasah
Oh my goodness, am I glad that the misunderstanding is cleared. During Hal and Joanna's argument I was all like: "No, no, you are both misunderstanding! For love's sake people. Stop making assumptions!"
I'm happy that Roger actually decided to speak the truth to Hal. Now if only Joanna is alright. I'm so worried!
6/15/2015 c21 Guest
needing to get advice from roger on how to treat a woman, that must be a new low... maybe now they'll finally clear out their misconceptions. hal's a bit of an ass though, constantly thinking the worst of joanna for no reason except his own insecurtity. i hope he'll grovel.
6/5/2015 c20 amelie
huh is that a sister or something
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