Just In
for Tesac Rock

9/13/2015 c4 8AnonymousProclamations
It took awhile,but I am finally into the story! I knew I'd be . . . just never really liked fantasies or sci-fi. . .
9/12/2015 c9 Guest
I love that Garth is so vulnerable and yet can be so physically domineering, it's emotional and hot at the same time :D
9/11/2015 c9 Roger Jaminson
There's this noise coming out of me. High pitched and unnatural, but I'm just so overwhelmed here.

I feel for Garth. Being alone for so long, Garth is in fucking heavin over there. To see his harmful loneliness being breaking away really does something for the heart.

And for Oliver. Gosh, I'm torn for this dude. On one hand, there's the secure and loving life with Garth. On the other, there's his liberty and independence. Both so important and equals.

This is where I worry though. Is Oliver really all for that book or is this part of his plan to go to Shagalice and ditch Garth? And it's most likely the latter, and I'm just so scared that Oliver will hurt Garth by leaving.

Gosh, I love this story. I'd favorite it again if I could.

I'm so excited for the next chapter.
9/11/2015 c9 Guest
In their own ways they are both abusing eachother, but they are both so legitimately desperate that it's hard not to sympathize! I really felt bad for Garth being played, but he is essentially holding Oliver captive, so technically he more than deserves it. It's a fascinating story and I'm grateful you continue to update it!
9/10/2015 c9 3Fryvi
I can't help but think Oliver is being sneaky, even if his arousal seemed pretty real ;D I wish he'd fully realize how his life would've been in the mines, so he could make a more informed opinion and maybe understand Garth better
8/27/2015 c8 Guest
Definitely looking forward to reading more, love this so far. The pacing is perfect! Thanks for sharing this story.
6/27/2015 c8 Krlsen
6/25/2015 c8 Sinalist
Real unique plot here...I'm definitely looking forward to reading more of their power dynamic. :)
6/25/2015 c8 Fryvi
No more chapters, noooo x) poor conflicted Garth, I hope things work out!
6/25/2015 c5 Fryvi
Just taking a minute to tell you how awesome this is! I love it when I find well written, well thought out, good stories like this on this site. Must continue reading :D
6/24/2015 c8 Kas
This chapter made me cry. Poor Garth, and poor Oliver, but I'm fiendishly enjoying their moral dilemma too. The power dynamic is hot, but fortunately doesn't lose either character. I want to see them friends and I want to see them enemies at the same time. I love the fact that Oliver is terrified of being hurt by Garth, but he's tough enough to point out the flaws in Garth's reasoning, and to stand up for himself. I love Garth's desperation not to let him go, and to mould him into the perfect bride. Brilliant story.
6/24/2015 c8 3morningstorm70
Dun dun dunnnn
What will andrew and ollie do while alone fishing
Will it be hanky panky or will it be raiders?
Tune in til next post haha lol cant wait
I have the batman ending narration going on in my head "same bat chanel sam time" or some such as the saying goes
5/21/2015 c7 morningstorm70
You have got to continue i really like this story
4/2/2015 c7 InsanityAndBeyond
You've done such a great job of the conflicting morales and questionable ethics in this story.
Like you can empathise and really feel sorry for and relate to Garth, but then he did something really low to get Oliver, wants Oliver to like him but then spanks him and tries to assert authority, but then again you can understand his thought process when he's doing that. It's all just messy.

In my head the eventual scenario is that after a long while they develop true feelings etc, once everything settled down they really fall in love, but Olivers always slightly discontent, and finds out somehow about Garth's swapping his status, he either runs or Garth in an argument or resigned lets him go. Fast forward a year or two, and Oliver comes back on his own accord with the stipulation that they're in an equal relationship, no bride or owner. So that's probably wayyy off the mark and ive over thought it, it's just a way I was thinking of this whole situation to eventually fix itself.

Anyway, past my random ramble, the Garth's bride sign made me go AAAWWWWWWWW, and also kinda embarassed cringe. It was really awkwardly cute bless.

and the beating, not cool Garth. but then again there's the hint of sympathy because he clearly wasn't hitting hard, it was just something he felt he should do. But of course you absolutely feel sorry for Oliver too.

The subtle use of 'class B' that I didn't even pick up on the significance of until Oliver did, is great.
3/28/2015 c7 Kas
I find this so incredibly moving. I'm crying for both of them, but I also find the dynamics really hot. I don't know what to do with myself, these should be opposite feelings and I don't know how you've evoked them both! I think Garth's sign might have broken my heart a little. What a story.
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