Just In
for Tesac Rock

12/13/2014 c3 Guest
This is a great fic so far! Garth and Oliver are such interesting characters, I'm wondering if the sparks will fly when Garth tells Oliver the truth!
12/13/2014 c3 Guest
Is it bad that I'm still siding with Garth. Maybe cause it's in his point of view that we all feel Garth's loneliness. Oliver. With so much optimism, it's gonna be painful to watch when its gone. If it's gone, of course. But i feel that the moment he realizes Garth aint kidding and will crack down in him, something (boom) is gonna happen. Whether it's a confrontation or something. I dont know what the hell I'm talking about.
P.S I like Andrew and Jamal already. The way Andrew was just listing off his needs starting off with his hair.
12/11/2014 c2 Guest
Aw. I hope Jamal gets the guy he wants. I feel bad for saying that cause it's slavery. Somehow, you made it seem okay.
12/8/2014 c1 myrt
A really nice start!
I expected a blatant D/s couple of the sort. However I'm really really glad they are evenly matched. Actually I somewhat hope for Oliver to have the upper hand. For Garth to choose a bride only to end up playing the role of the bride himself would be a funny/nice development.
Post soon plz!
12/8/2014 c1 7blackkitties
Oh my... I ... I don't know what to say. It just so good and what a mean thing to do... and I love Garth for doing it. Oh geez I must be messed up! But I want you to continue. Please, pretty please
12/8/2014 c1 Roger Jaminson
I can already imagine the plot. Not saying it's a bad thing. I'm now excited. I feel so sad for Garth, him being lonely and everything. I feel worse for Oliver. He lost his chance of making something of himself. I hope you update.
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