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for High Conversations on Cosmic Inflation

5/17/2017 c51 Guest
Would love to see an update on this story! Seriously missing it a lot :D No pressure though, hope the work on your house is going really well :) bestest of luck to you!
5/13/2017 c51 Guest
looking forward to an update to this beautiful story
4/26/2017 c51 Guest
4/3/2017 c51 Guest
Missing this wonderful story
3/19/2017 c51 sectumsempra
:) :)

Im glad they finally said the 'i love you's ' and it was natural when Braden wasn't focusing on it so much.

Ready for them to move past this long day tho, maybe a small time shift would be welcome

Waiting for the next update patiently :)
12/11/2016 c51 1AyEIOuU
As much as Braden's second guessing and insecurities annoy me, I love their complete honesty and silliness and trust in each other. It's perfect. I'll be sad once this is over but wow, it really gave me a lot to think about.
12/7/2016 c51 Crazytoinsane
I'm so happy you updated! I don't even use fictionpress anymore but I make sure to come visit this story every month to make sure I didn't miss an update!
12/5/2016 c51 1whatisit
So bittersweet! Thank you for taking the time to write this, and don't feel bad about taking your time... I admire you for all that you manage and you being human and doing other things or nothing at all does not change all that I have gotten from reading these words you typed.
Have a good day!
12/4/2016 c51 KC
Wow! Another great chapter! I love all of the emotions and I ESPECIALLY LOVE THE BRADEN FINALLY SAID IT (and of course, he said it without realizing it. I knew that would be the way haha.)

But poor Braden. Omg. I wonder if Braden can do something that helps him increase his confidence? From my experience, being reassured over and over by someone helps in the moment, but then once you lose that source of reassurance you go straight back to feeling the way you felt before. I wonder if Jase could encourage Braden to participate in something - a sport (I do a martial art), or a club, or something, anything, so that Braden could like... build up some self-esteem for himself and have a foundation of confidence. (I don't really buy into the "you have to love yourself before you love others" thing b/c that just causes people to feel worse about themselves, but I do think that people need to get their self-esteem from a source outside of their romantic partner, and that our romantic partners are bound to be there for us while we work through those things). So I hope Braden can find something outside of Jase that will help him shore up his confidence. (But luckily for him, Jase will be there to help him through it!)
12/4/2016 c51 chibikodo
Finally! I am glad Jase was able to help Braden feel comfortable enough to spill his thoughts. Braden is a bit of a basketcase.

It was almost like a dam was released, the way Braden was able to continuously say 'love' and even share his most intimate thoughts and fears. They've come a long way since they first met.

Thank you for the update and cogratulations on the home purchase
12/4/2016 c51 3Fryvi
Aaaw :) You have this way of writing fluff without making it waaay too happy and perfect but still keeping it very sweet and nice, if that makes sense :p I like it.
12/3/2016 c50 Guest
:( whats going on with this
11/19/2016 c50 Guest
It's been 4 months :( please update, we miss this story sooo much. Best story on fictionpress
10/25/2016 c15 InsanityAndBeyond
Ok you said you respond to guilt well for a nudge, but then you totally shouldnt feel guilty over your own work, so I wasn't sure whether to comment or not ; but in case it's the right kind of motivation for you, I'm missing these two and their shenannigans.
Also, hope everythings going well with you.
10/18/2016 c50 XfearlessoneX
The mug in the picture speaks to my soul.
50 chapters is an achievement, heres hope for 50 more!
and another one soon ;)
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