Just In
for High Conversations on Cosmic Inflation

10/2/2016 c50 letitrock7577
I think this is my absolute favorite book on FictionPress. I am a completely obsessed fan!
9/29/2016 c50 sectumsepra
Rered and still great chapter. Another soon please.
9/27/2016 c39 daebae
9/15/2016 c36 Guest
Moreeeeee :) :)
8/31/2016 c49 Guest
missing these dudes :)
8/17/2016 c50 sectumsempra
:) :(
7/28/2016 c26 Guest
Urgh to be honest I think Riley would have a pretty solid reason to hate Braden, he's definitely been really selfish and kinda just horrible a lot in the past in his thinking really, related to his dad etc as seen in the first part. Which is why the character progression and emotional maturity throughout the story is so great.
7/23/2016 c19 InsanityAndBeyond
Braden talking about keeping it PG at 4th of July party made me laugh
7/23/2016 c50 InsanityAndBeyond
Hearing my favourite story is coming to an end is like being stabbed in the eye with a rusty screw. I'm unashamedly glad you went over your deadline cause I get more time with these dorks. I kinda now want to frantically list every possible plot hole or loose end to make you extend the story or drag it onto one shots like urn... Their double date scene, or a date with jace braden only since they've not had an official one yet, although if they celebrate jace's bday in the mountains it will be. Erm.. Bradens meeting with his dad? Jace's album success or reaction/ Bradens decision to get a masters? And all those people wanting him to be in their band although I guess he'll want to stick with Jace. Since you've said its ending soon I think my initial thought of us watching them go through some long distance angst if jace moved away for his masters won't be true, so now I'm maybe thinking that maybe Jace gets accepted and blurts out he wants braden to come with him and Braden decided to be impulsive and follow his heart and there it ends. I dunno the reason I initially kinda wanted a long distance thing for a bit is maybe it's a true test of their relationship? I mean these two of course have proved their love throughout this book amazingly in so many ways, but at the same time, if I'm not mistaken it's only been a few months, so they're still very much in their honeymoon stage. I always like when there's one shots or a sequel where you can see they've been together a couple years etc etc instead of a few months (lmaoo I'm pushing this too much aren't I? I'll stop) . Anyway

Here's some random things I was thinking about that I really can't remember if I've mentioned before:

-I kinda love Bradens refusal to admit, but definite foot fetish thing that's like subtly mentioned a few times and that Jace has definitely kinda got the gist of haha. It's just a little random thing that's adds so much depth to the characters.

- I also love the small theme of Jace never getting a tele but then Bradens being adopted in his house and the link to Irene is nice too.

- Honestly I think if Jace ever became a firefighter again, and it'd be kinda cool, but Braden would be no different to Oliver. Of course he wouldn't freak out as violently, and he'd want to be supportive, but I feel like he'd always worry and get stressed and anxious and maybe Jace would end up quitting to not cause him that worry. I dunno why I was thinking of that but yeah.

- related to the last chapter, Bradens so cute in an exasperating way. Throughout this entire story, the big difference in their characters is jace is words, Braden action, and whenever they're talking about love, like the time they were in the desert and now, Bradens always like 'oh no I'm so shitty why can't I say I love him!' Whilst drawing huge hearts over his heart. Seriously Braden, you're oblivious.
I also really liked the way Jace loses it this chapter. He didn't always have the perfect words or composure, in fact Braden ended up comforting him half way through, and I love that it showed they were on an equal footing in terms of what they bring to each other.

- Another random thing I was thinking about I can't remember if I've said ; It's been mentioned a few times that Bradens had surgeries etc and the side effect is he always gets sick, but in the span of a few months we only see it once. That's ridiculously nitpicky but just something I thought of.

- Now this I'm not sure I know how to articulate, but I'm not sure I always agree with Jace in his message of just be exactly who you are and proud of it. Well actually of course I do and it's one of the powerful overreaching messages of the whole book, but in small things, I'm not sure. Eg Braden asking whether he should trim and Jace being like never do things like that for other people, I think you should take into account your partners preferences with things like that etc. Also just with the whole fat thing. Like they both have insecurities about it and really if it would make them feel confidant in themselves, it's not a negative if they went about changing that, eg Braden took up rock climbing etc. Or Jace not taking up fire fighting because he's out of shape etc. I'm not even sure what I'm trying to say, I think it's that whilst I really like that it's all about being comfortable in your skin, there's like maybe a difference between Braden growing to love his scars since they're a part of him, and maybe being self conscious of his weight, cause if it would make him feel more confident to lose it maybe that's not a bad thing.
But I just love that's such a big part of this book because it's so rare. It's so rare to not have the main characters looking perfect, even though most of us aren't, and Bradens insecurity really resonates with me. And it's all so unapologetic it's great. There's no 'oh he's a teeny bit larger- no Jace is fat. He says it, Braden describes it, we're even told his shirt size. It's great and I remember the first time I was reading this it made me legitimately uncomfortable, I just didn't know what to make of it because I'd just never come across it before. And being naturally very slim, at first it was a mental challenge and I love that this book forced me to look at prejudices and analyse my judgements, and now of course I want my own Jace.

Erm anything else I was thinking has kinda gone out of my head so I'll leave it at that.
7/15/2016 c50 M
LET THEM HAVE A KID PLS i would love to see them being cute parents
7/14/2016 c50 Krlsen
7/8/2016 c50 chibikodo
It must irk Jase feeling completely powerless, thinking he is unable to do anything to help Braden. I am glad Braden was able to just ask Jase to hold him and reassure him that nothing would change even with the knowledge of how badly that man messed Braden up.

The last scene where Braden acknowledges he basically said I love you in every way except by actually saying it out loud: Braden, stop being so neurotic. Jase gets it, you love him to the moon and back and then some. He doesn't need to hear it if you aren't ready to say it. Even if you never end up saying it, your love shines through in your words and actions.

It feels like their relationship has moved to the next level. Looking forward to seeing what they do next.

Thanks for the update. :)
7/8/2016 c50 3Fryvi
Aww, I hope he says it before the story is over, but I really liked how you did this.
It's good that he got to process that whole nasty-guy business together with Jase, and it's good that Jase can be a bit out of balance as well, even if it was on Braden's behalf.
I'm not sure if narrowing one's eyebrows is a facial expression though, but great chapter!
6/29/2016 c49 KC
Dear Happy Hippie,

I am pretty sure I haven't reviewed this story before, but I am on a re-read (yeah... I've re-read this story like three times at this point!) and I just wanted to drop you a quick line and let you know how much I love this. It feels so freaking real. Like, in a lot of movies/books/etc rape really is the whole "back alley" type of thing, but Braden's experience with the older guy is so real because it is rape, but there are gray areas, and sometimes you DO say yes to going out with someone but then that person doesn't respect you and that person treats you wrong and that is still rape. (I say that with confidence having had similar experiences with older guys, and some not that much older guys, who I have gone out with under very similar circumstances and who have done shit to me like not wear a condom, who've kept going even when I'm clearly in pain, etc). And Braden's struggle with how he feels about it through the whole story (I especially love that you've inserted an ongoing theme of him enjoying the stories and porn of the type of experience he's had, because he's still turned on by it-I think human sexuality can be so convoluted sometimes, and it's so wonderful that he has Jase to help him explore those feelings in a safe and supportive environment) is just heartwrenching and amazing. I am so thankful for this story and for your portrayal of his experience with the 48 year old and subsequent issues.

Another note, is that Braden feels real to me because he is a lot like me. Or, I am a lot like him. Either way, I see so much of myself in him that it makes me a bit sad to not have my "own" Jase, but I still have lots of time to find that I'm sure.

I do have one comment, which is that I hope Damian and his beast lover get their own story (or at least, maybe a short novella) hehe.

Lastly, I just have to say that YOU, Happy Hippie, are extremely intelligent. I read this story and recognize that you have had to do an insane amount of research to even be able to have Jase and Braden TALK about half of the things they talk about (ie, the science and math and music stuff). I am so impressed every time I read this because like... dang... you have so much knowledge and you make Jase and Braden know so many awesome things. I always have considered myself a pretty intelligent person, but Braden and Jase (and vicariously YOU since you wrote them!) make me realize how smart some people are. So seriously, like, you rock.

Okay, that wasn't the very last thing... I wanted to say I did notice that Braden basically "confessed" in this chapter, when he says directly to Jase, "I thought being in love was this like, transcendent, ethereal thing..." etc etc. Which was basically him saying, "I thought love was one way, but now I realize it's different," which is admitting that he does LOVE Jase. I think Jase gets it. I can't wait for Braden to just be like, "FUCK, Jase, I am trying to tell you how much I love you but I'm too neurotic to even put it in words!" and for Jase to be like, "Well, I've got some news for you-you just said it." Oh man, I love Braden.

This is so incoherent. Thank you for your writing. Can't wait for the second half of this chapter and for the rest of this story :) :) :) :)
6/17/2016 c49 Poppy
Oh damn. Braden :'( My heart is breaking for him right now. Gah, and Jase! You can see how much he loves him by how fucking wrecked he is by this information and Braden is just...too fucking sweet and naive man. I feel so awful for him. I don't know why I didn't think before that it was sexual assault by what he had said of it in previous chapters but it all makes sense now and that revelation was just SO realistic and sad. I'm hoping Jase gives much needed love/support in next chapter. Braden needs it :(
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