Just In
for Trouble Will Find Me

7/31/2022 c1 knockmeoffmyfeet
Hi there! I would like to invite you to join our platform to present a good quality story to our readers! Send me a message if this offer piqued your interest.
1/20/2017 c4 Guest
This is an awesome storyline. Wish you could finish it. If you can't, could you please tell a description of what would have happened so I don't have to die of curiosity.

6/29/2016 c4 Canada1
I hope you plan on finishing this. It's well worth it.
3/19/2016 c4 Guest
FINALLY! You're back! I really liked it, but it was a bit rushed compared the the chapters before (there was a long hiatus). Derek was introduced so fast I got a whiplash, but maybe it's cos it's past midnight where I am and everything needs to be slow for my poor brain to cope. Haha
Anyways, hope to read another chapter soon!
2/29/2016 c4 Guest
yay! you're back!
2/23/2016 c4 Christina
I love this! It's something different and refreshing. I'm intrigued by your characters. I want to know more about Quint and this mysterious boss. Definitely update :)
2/23/2016 c4 7gulistala
Haha really enjoying this! I wonder who the boss is and I'm wondering if it's one of her parents or relatives? And what do they need her for? Can't wait to read more!
6/18/2015 c3 Cynthia Elliott
More Please
5/20/2015 c3 1Damned to heaven
No no... NO! It can't end there! This is my "please sir can I have some more" moment.

This is good, better than good... It's great.

I like her sassiness and his blue eyes.
4/28/2015 c3 Guest
uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuupdaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease :(
1/30/2015 c3 ND
please please please update
Love this story so far :)
1/21/2015 c3 3Minerving
I love this story so far and really hope you continue! You're a great author.
1/9/2015 c3 Guest
more please! I think this will become my new story addiction!
1/9/2015 c1 Guest
dude your writing is epic
1/7/2015 c3 Nat
I wonder why his boss wants her so bad if it's not for the money...Hmmmm
Enthralling story, plot, characters, setting etc.
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