Just In
for The Chicken Trilogy

4/28/2005 c3 21mooseyx3
haha! cool. Aye, you're poor teacher, so clueless!

12/2/2003 c3 21Shade2
Heh, these were pretty clever. Yes, playing with Lit. teacher's minds is oh so fun . . . No mechanical errors that I could see . . . power to the dead pedestrian chickens!
8/11/2003 c3 24fearphobic
haha, kool stories. man, ur teacher sounds kinda dumb...lol. i like ur style of writing...=)
4/19/2003 c1 6LittleSalem
That was a very cute, and inspirational story. You should consider being a novelist.
11/26/2001 c3 Snowshoe Hare
Quite amusing. The incongruity of the connection is one of the most amusing aspects, of course. It would be neat to have a pedestrian chicken in all of your stories - sort of a trade mark, if you will - though maybe just in the background. (maybe there could be a race of them)
11/17/2001 c3 3Kara Angelle
*smile* I like this, the entire chicken trilogy is very cute. I like Astell, and her struggle between popularity and where she is really needed. I wish they had let her keep the cup, though.
11/17/2001 c2 Kara Angelle
heehee! This is sooo cute! I like how you linked them, and the somewhat obscure reference to the poor pedestrian chicken(who got made into stew) was funny.
11/17/2001 c1 Kara Angelle
*grins* this is cute, I love his out-look on life, very funny. hehe, I doubt your English teacher was paying attention to what he was reading, that's hilarious that he didn't even notice.
7/23/2001 c3 4Nakato Rune
I like them! You're lucky to have an English teacher who actually assignes fiction. Mine (at least last year) was really into essays-"How I relate to Socrates", stuff like that. You're very good at short stories.
7/21/2001 c3 17ArwenStar914
Heeheeheeheehee!I liked the author's note the best! Haha! Hmm, interesting, heehee, you certainly, haahaa, have some funny ideas, heehee! Oh dear, I can't stop laughing hahahahahaha! Poor mr meyer! hahahahaa! *wipes tears from her eyes as she attempts to compose heself* er, ahem, yes, anywhoo... =) Otay, good job, I'm kinda sad the trilogy is over though... *sigh* ah well. Update more of your stories! Pwease? =D tanx. I'm off to work on my Cinderella story and FFW (and maybe even Snow White, my, aren't I an adventerous one? ;)). Tata! **ArwenStar**
7/5/2001 c2 ArwenStar914
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Poor Mr. Meyer! Yes, it was strange... actually, sounded a lot like some of my writings! Heehee. Very nice, can't wait for the finale! (oh, and the PEDESTRIAN CHICKEN comes back to life, right? ghost chicken, what a thought! LoL) Namariƫ! **ArwenStar**
6/30/2001 c1 7Ghost
Hehehe. Reminds me of the saying: The Pessimist says, "It can't get any worse then this!" while the Optimist responds "Oh, yes it can!"
6/21/2001 c1 ArwenStar914 well would ya look at that forget to sign in again. I'd lose my arm if it wasn't screwed on
hehehehehehe, poor Mr- uh teacher. ;) He probly did read it and then just didn't make the connection. heehee. I like how pessimistic he is, heehee. You must post more soon, I want to know about the pedestrian chicken! Okay, me go now. Bye bye.

6/20/2001 c1 Kathryn Angelle - not signed in but looky at my stuff anyway grovels
Heehee...PEDESTRIAN CHICKEN! VERY unique, I have NEVER read anything like it, Mwahahahaha! btw...1) you have a pic of Aria? If I plead and beg and cry, will you email it to me? 2) I'm requesting pics of my Belonging to Someone characters from an artist named Norma Peters (email me for link) who does them for free (it would be months and months though) and I wanted your permission and a description for her to do Aria (it would be Aria and Frodo. The other pics are [and these are spoilers, but...] Rhian/Jonathan, Erin/Legolas, Bryan/Rosie). Bye now! -Kat

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