Just In
for What the Heart Wants

8/9/2018 c8 Ark
Hey, it's me again!
It's been roughly a year and a half since the last update (I think, I'm not going to do the math). Regardless, I always find myself coming back to this story, checking if their story finally has an ending (or two). I can sincerely say I love both these characters and it saddens me sometimes to think they are just fictional. I know you've moved on to other stuff, but I still want you to know I haven't forgotten this specific story, and I probably never will. Anyways, if you ever do decide to update, know that I will probably definitely read it and love it, both the bad and the good endings.
2/12/2017 c8 14Mislav
Sorry about not getting back to this story, life has been crazy... this was a beautiful, incredibly moving chapter. From Kevin's struggle to accept Liam's fate, Liam's slow decline, and him finally showing true emotions, especially fear and sadness, at the end-the ending that is sad, and realistic, but leaves a room for hope. You are a great writer. Now, on to your other stories!
1/27/2017 c8 Ark
Well, look at me, randomly checking in and getting lucky to be right on the tail of an update. A fortunate coincidence.

Believe me, either way this goes, I'm in it for the long haul. Good luck!
1/25/2017 c8 Sjsbcksnx
Ahhhh. I can't recall where I first read your story, but I'm glad you have updated it! Kevin's worrying frustrates me - I know it's understandable - and as well as his decision to drop school. I mean, what the hell Kevin. That's the very last thing Liam wants you to do! If Liam doesn't die he'd probably kill Kevin first.

The repeating of Liam's and Kevin's condition every chapter also annoys me. I know this is a one-short series. But you're publishing them like chapters. So it can be nagging to someone who binge-reads it
1/24/2017 c8 Wavern16 'Inactive
LOL, well you know I'm going to chose the good ending, woman. I know you love your angst but you don't want to depress and torment your readers, do you? Do you?! Just kidding, but still XD I really love that quote "If you treat him like glass, he will shatter." It seems really though-provoking and deep. Please don't kill of Liam!
11/15/2016 c7 Mislav
Wow! This was a beautiful, but intense chapter. I liked that Liam and Kevin moved into the house together. Liam as a Grim Reaper-so cute! Liam growing sick was really unexpected. Glad to know that he survived, but are those the warning signs? Man... Still, I don't want you to kill him. But it's your story. Looking forward to reading more.
10/24/2016 c6 Mislav
Beautiful chapter! I liked the way you touched upon the intimacy issues between Kevin and Liam. Their conflicts were very well written and sex scenes were also very well written, investing and detailed, without a single vulgar moment. I also liked Kevin's interactions with his sister, those were really cute. Good to know Kevin is doing well at college and that Liam is still drawing. You are a really talented writer. Looking forward to reading more.
10/8/2016 c5 Mislav
Wow... this chapter was really gut-wrenching. Kevin's growing concerns really shook me, especially the part with the ambulance, and Kevin getting an infection. Those parts were beautifully written, and intense. For a moment, I actually thought that Liam had died! You are really good at writing angst. Good to know that Liam is drawing again though. My favorite part was: "And at night I lay my head on his chest and listen to his heart.

Things aren't quite as normal as before – but this new normal is good.

Almost better.

He's there for me, and I'm there for him.

This new normal is perfect."

Looking forward to reading more.
9/23/2016 c4 Mislav
This was a beautiful chapter. Yes, it was mostly a fluff, but it was a wonderful fluff. I especially liked Kevin bonding with Liam's sister Lydia, and Kevin and Liam dealing with their concerns better, together. But I also liked reading about their established routine and their feelings for each other. Sexy parts were pretty well written also-ha! I hope Kevin will sign up to college. Looking forward to reading more.
9/6/2016 c3 Mislav
This was a beautiful chapter. Kevin's growing concern for Liam and their little arguments were really believable. Liam's growing understanding of love was beautiful, as well as his descriptions of it. I'm glad that they are being... "more intimate" now :) The description of Kevin's dreams was chilling. Looking forward to reading more.
9/3/2016 c2 Mislav
This was a beautiful chapter. The revelation of Liam's condition really surprised me, as well as the predictions about his lifespan. Kevin's feelings were very well described. I especially liked him making a health plan for Liam and counting months, days, hours etc. Looking forward to reading more.
8/28/2016 c1 Mislav
This is a beautiful story. You described Kevin's condition and self-doubts very well. The progression of his and Liam's relationship was cute and believable. I like how understanding, supporting and optimistic Liam is. My favorite part was: "His hands curl somewhere on me – I'm too distracted to focus on where there might or might not be pressure on my body, and I don't care enough to look. I just know he's holding onto me – somewhere – and I'm holding onto him.

And it's okay if we never let go."

Looking forward to reading more.
12/22/2015 c7 Lizzy
I know it might be stretch, but I'd like to think it's the most possible way out there is when it comes to their scenario (and I just want a happy ending okay? fuck realism, I've got that too much in real life) and I just love your series and those two dorks so much. pls don't hurt them

Anyway, what I suggest is, what if when Liam was still living with his family and was predicted not to live past twenty, his family quickly put him up on the heart transplant recipient list? And for years he never got a call or an email, or anything, saying that he might be up for the transplant process, so they resigned and moved on and forgot about it (easier to be so bc they don't have to be reminded of what they could have gotten and how much Liam's livelihood could have been improved)

One day, few days (or weeks) after chapter 7 incident when Liam and Kevin are somewhat feeling normal, Kevin gets a random call from an unknown caller. As it turns out, almost a decade after first applying, Liam gets his turn. They can't believe it at first, and then becoming doubtful about taking the risk (it's heart transplant after all), but after some tense and dilemma-ridden days (or weeks) they decide to take the chance.

Then the suspenseful days of prepping for the surgery begin, and it's angsty as shit (basically this is the moment sadistic writers everywhere would enjoy because this is the most potent time to play and stab the readers' collective hearts). Also the travel to Australia (bc he was registered when he was still living there so he's probs going to be admitted for the surgery there too) to have the heart transplant process when Liam's health is very very vulnerable (pretty sure ppl's with his condition would be advised against really long travelings). When the true moment comes, Liam's finally wheeled out for the surgery, Kevin becomes so scared and tense for hours until the surgery is over (which I imagine must be very long since, again, it's heart transplant surgery after all).


I think that's all I wanna say. You can take the suggestion if you want. Can't wait to read more!
11/26/2015 c7 Ark
At this point, I'd actually go for any of the endings. You can't go wrong. This whole thing has been very very very well written, so at this point, I'll gladly except anything by you, since it'll always be a good read.
10/23/2015 c7 Wavern16 'Inactive
Awwwww man, I feel so bad for forgetting about these guys! Awesome job buddy! Sorry it took me so long to review, you won't believe how busy I've been. *sighs* But anyway, I'm glad I reviewed! As much as I don't want you to kill off Kieron, I don't want Liam to die neither, he's awesome! Please let him get that heart transplant!
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