Just In
for Unexpected

11/20/2018 c3 Chimel321
Jadea is interesting, thanks for the update by the way.
1/11/2018 c2 J
I used to read this but didn't ever finish it so I'm glad ur reposting and editing it! Update super soon so excited!
1/11/2018 c2 2Neo Rulez
Awwwwww 3 this is adorable
6/17/2017 c27 2Honestly Yours
I knew it! And I'm so excited to see an update. Can't wait for the next one :)
6/17/2017 c27 Guest
I'm so happy you updated, but don't feel like you have to all the time. I may not know exactly what your going through but I know how bad it gets. Anways! I love all of your stories! Stay positive!
6/10/2017 c26 B. D. S
Is Jadea pregnant? She is, isn't she.
6/7/2017 c26 girlygirl
keep going!
6/7/2017 c23 GirlyGirl
4/1/2017 c27 3Daughter of Athena x
Sorry for the review spam but I am so in love with this story and you neeeed to update like asap because this story is life
4/1/2017 c26 Daughter of Athena x
4/1/2017 c24 Daughter of Athena x
This chapter killed me
4/1/2017 c23 Daughter of Athena x
Your characterisation of Jadea is perfect, I absolutely love her! I would happily read a whole story about her
4/1/2017 c22 Daughter of Athena x
Aww Sam :, ( but omg I hope Jadea is OK
4/1/2017 c17 Daughter of Athena x
Feel so sorry for Jadea tbh bur I want her car more ;)
4/1/2017 c16 Daughter of Athena x
AHHH SAM AND JADEA! YESS. They have so much passion I love it
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