Just In
for Strictly Comfort

5/21/2019 c16 Jane.x
I'm late to this update but aaaaaahh that was so good. I really can't wait to see them work out what's going on between them, even though their awkwardness and uncertainty rn is cute. Loved the atmosphere of this chapter as well, with the Christmas party and just how friendly and fun the group is. And that last line was amazing. XD

I hope you're doing well, and hope you're having a lovely day/night.
4/16/2019 c16 Chimel321
That was honestly amazing ! I can’t wait for the next
8/29/2018 c15 Chimel321
I really like this story and how grounded the characters are to their personalities makes them feel real and not fictional. Can’t wait for the next chapter xoxo .
7/27/2018 c14 Chimel321
I like it . Keep going !
6/12/2018 c14 Jane.x
I just binge read all 14 chapters of this and it's so freaking good! I think I'm liking this more than SB, actually. Dan, while having a lot of issues apparently, is very adorable and likable, and Les is funny and overy sweet-but Dan does like sweet things. ;3 Anyways, loved it, love the characters, and hope you continue eventually!

Have a great day/evening/night! :)
5/14/2017 c13 Guest
I liked Shana and Yvette here and I really liked Akib who was a whole ball of fun. I sense that Dan is slowly trusting Lesley and pushing himself out of his comfort zone. I love Lesley, after Jack I think he's my favourite character of yours, I think it's hard to relate to his infinite patience though. I'd like to see what it can take to get him furious. Id also like Lesley to start pushing Jack for info (even if J doesn't know anything about Dan's backstory or what happened after they broke up) I want him to get curious to the point he can't cope ;) hope I'm not asking for too much! I'm sure you'll have a better plan than me as usual!
5/13/2017 c13 rgrimes8989
Nice to see this updated! I can picture you doing an overhaul pace-wise for the overall story arc when you get to second draft, but this was entertaining. Akib was fun. Les has the patience of a saint as usual. And Dan.. There's got to be no way this is the same guy who was with Jack. Something happened to mess this guy up. I really hope it wasn't Jack himself.
8/23/2016 c12 MacLekich
I love it when Lesley is being a detective ;) it's obvious why this fic is so much more of a challenge that SB - in SB you have two strong characters clashing - going head to head. In this you have a character who is practically flawless gently engaging with a character who is a little mysterious and massively fragile. That's a much harder dynamic. I think in a way it would help if Lesley wasn't so nice, but I can't help but love him, so I don't really want him to change! I don't know what you have up your sleeve for Dan's backstory but I think there would need to be a major complication somehow. Anyway as always I really enjoyed this instalment!
8/21/2016 c12 rgrimes89
I'm glad Dan's improving, but I really just want him to spill the beans to Lesley now! I have so many questions about how he got to be this way.
6/7/2016 c11 MacLekich
I liked Nathaniel's grumpiness :) This chapter explains Lesley all over, and he'd be such a good godfather! I think he does suffer a little from being just too perfect though, I can't imagine him putting a foot wrong!
2/16/2016 c10 Guest
I feel like there must be some reason why Les is just so compassionate. He's more than perfect. I'd like to see the 'real' Dan and although progress was made it looks like Les will be exercising his compassion a good while longer!
2/15/2016 c10 rgrimes8989
I very much liked seeing the other side of the previous encounter! I kind of feel like Dan wanted Lesley to ask about the session? I think Lesley's idea is right, but I wonder if its disappointing to Dan if he'd prepared what he was going to say to Lesley about it, and maybe went more for Lesley than himself..
12/1/2015 c9 MacLekich
Ahh the torturous slow reveal of what makes Dan, Dan! If he's had these issues from childhood, I can't follow how he built up the confidence to go after Jack? Lesley is the best though.
11/29/2015 c9 rgrimes8989
Okay I seriously want that breakfast. And Lesley is just perfect, and exactly what Dan needs. I wish Dan could get it together, but I know things dont work that way and that his problems are deep-seated. I wonder how Jack would feel about Lesley and Dan as an established couple..
9/27/2015 c8 MacLekich
Dan has a good memory, and I bet its nothing good he remembers.. what sort of a past has he come from? How the heck could he be confident enough to catch Jack's interest in the first place, and then maintain their 'working' relationship without Jack (even Jack!) ever catching on to an issue? Also, what country is he from? I really like all the twists and turns you've created here :)
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