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for Retrograde

7/21/2022 c1 knockmeoffmyfeet
Hello there! I would like to invite you to join our platform to present a good quality story to our readers! Send me a message if this offer piqued your interest
8/21/2021 c8 Guest
Hey - love this story so much - it has so much potential! Just commenting in the hopes you might return to it someday. Would love to read more about Alex and Jason.
10/19/2018 c7 Miss SLB
...Entered by accident!

Just saying 'hey' in the hope that this enters your inbox and prompts you to remember this story :) would love to read chapter nine.
10/19/2018 c8 Miss SLB
10/28/2016 c8 just a guest
I came across this story some time ago and thought it had been abandoned. nice surprise to see that's not the case. It has something I can't quite put my finger on that makes it a great read, I'm guessing the combination of charcters that aren't run of the mill and a hand for creating atmosphere. I really like where this is going, thank you for returning to this story.
10/27/2016 c8 Who cares21
Another great chapter, very well written! I really enjoyed reading this chapter and am glad to hear that this is not the end of Alex and Jason!;) I felt upset when reading about Alex's past with Seth and how she was hurt and I hope Jason will treat her how she deserves to be treated. Also can't wait to read what happens next!
10/21/2016 c8 1Kerenade
I just shortly discovered your story and I like it very much! Alex is very relatable (at least for me) and I like the slower pace you've chosen. That makes it more realistic. Still I can't wait for their first kiss! ;)
10/19/2016 c8 blackrose88
Loving this story!
10/19/2016 c8 1anime09
This is excellent, as in I'm-up-until-3am-reading-and-have-work-in-the-morning-excellent. You have me hooked. Please update soon.
10/19/2016 c8 Anonymous
Awesome story. Alex and Jason's parting was great and realistic. The chemistry between them sizzles!
Why are there always shallow bitches in every high school though?
Its a great read, please continue the story! Eagerly waiting for the next chapter.
10/18/2016 c8 12TasteTheFreakingRainbow
She shall not kiss Jason! Nope. Nopity nope. Absolutely not.
Anyway, that parting scene was A.
10/14/2016 c7 TasteTheFreakingRainbow
I genuinely enjoy how your story is a quite a bit more realistic than most teacher/student fics. I really hope that he doesn't get too terribly upset with her.
10/14/2016 c7 Who cares21
I'm so shocked to see that you've updated! I remember really enjoying the story and I can't wait to re-read and get back into it! So excited to read what happens.
8/12/2016 c6 5Radioactive-Joy
I'm absolutely, unrepentantly hooked. Please, please, please say you are going to pick this back up. I can't wait till school starts, and Alex finds herself in over her head with a certain sexy-as-crap teacher.
12/4/2015 c6 Guest

Just wondering if you were going to update this story at any point, really hoping this isn't going to be a lost cause as you mentioned on your bio because I absolutely loved it! I thought the characters are so well defined and it's beautifully written! Please keep up the good work because you have talent! x
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