5/6/2016 c2 KarasunoFan
Congratulations! This was such a great read. Glad a broader audience will get to enjoy it too!
Congratulations! This was such a great read. Glad a broader audience will get to enjoy it too!
2/8/2016 c20 shinju asuka
Aelric finally had his revenge, but ofc in the end Constance was more important for him. Love how this ended! Well done!
Aelric finally had his revenge, but ofc in the end Constance was more important for him. Love how this ended! Well done!
2/2/2016 c19 shinju asuka
Whoa... Would he play the song they found?
I'm looking forward to reading next chapter!
Whoa... Would he play the song they found?
I'm looking forward to reading next chapter!
1/27/2016 c18 shinju asuka
Whoa... At this point anything can be happened. Either he revenged or law would punish Roger.
Great chapter! Can't wait for next one! :D
Whoa... At this point anything can be happened. Either he revenged or law would punish Roger.
Great chapter! Can't wait for next one! :D
1/19/2016 c17 shinju asuka
This chapter saddened me :( I cried a bit after reading this. Both of them were deeply hurt by her stepfather :((
This chapter saddened me :( I cried a bit after reading this. Both of them were deeply hurt by her stepfather :((
1/18/2016 c16
9Tatiana Knight
I just want to say I'm sooooo loving this story. I'm always on the edge of my seat impatiently waiting an update. Can't wait until the next time. :)

I just want to say I'm sooooo loving this story. I'm always on the edge of my seat impatiently waiting an update. Can't wait until the next time. :)
1/18/2016 c16 KarasunoFan
What! He's there! In the house! Ok all three of them just got super mas more badass in my mind! Well done cannot wait to see what happens next!
What! He's there! In the house! Ok all three of them just got super mas more badass in my mind! Well done cannot wait to see what happens next!
1/12/2016 c15 KarasunoFan
Whoa! I actually started praying for them...then I remembered this is fiction. THAT is how engaging your writing is. Bravo!
Whoa! I actually started praying for them...then I remembered this is fiction. THAT is how engaging your writing is. Bravo!
1/8/2016 c14 shinju asuka
Just finish catching up! I love the development so far! So frustating when reading both POV when they thought about each other. If only they knew that they had same feeling for each other...
Just finish catching up! I love the development so far! So frustating when reading both POV when they thought about each other. If only they knew that they had same feeling for each other...
1/7/2016 c1 KarasunoFan
What a treat! This was an incredible chapter. I can't wait to see more. As the kids would say so many feelz
for this.
What a treat! This was an incredible chapter. I can't wait to see more. As the kids would say so many feelz
for this.
1/7/2016 c14 Guest
Oh my goodness! It is a tribute to your ability as a writer that I felt so frustrated as I read this chapter. They are hurting themselves and each other with their suspicions.
Oh my goodness! It is a tribute to your ability as a writer that I felt so frustrated as I read this chapter. They are hurting themselves and each other with their suspicions.