Just In
for The Bastard Knight

2/22/2016 c6 26Zukafu Chiriamoto
It's always an exciting time to see chapter alert pop in my inbox.
Never fails to disappoint - especially when I'm in the mood for something more... bawdy.
Until next time, happy writing!
~ Zukafu
10/7/2015 c1 Wendy Thompson135th
"Pray tell, good oracle, how do I awaken the princess from her eternal slumber?" The Knight asked -there are many goofs with the dialogue tag sentences. Here, don't capitalize the first word following the closing quotation marks unless it is a proper noun -a name- or the pronoun 'I'.

The Knight interrupted, "I must eat the un-eatable sandwich. Shit the un-shittable shit. Read the un-readable book." - this segment is mostly correct.

"No. It says right here. Climb the mountain, swim the moat, kill the troll…read the book." Jerry the Oracle said ...-While the capitalization is correct here, the punctuation is screwed up: Use a comma, a question mark or an exclamation point immediately before the closing quotation marks if the dialogue is to be followed by the who said it part.

Further along, in paragraph 36-48, there is a long flashback narrated by Jake where quotation marks have been omitted.

Crossbow bolts, and arrows in general, are _knocked_, not notched.

By any chance, is this a pastiche of _The Eye of Argon_?
9/28/2015 c1 Zukafu Chiriamoto
This is like nothing I have read before. It is like a crude and disturbingly honest version of a legend from the days of yore. I laughed, I cried (long story short, this was due to the laughter too) and every word was a joy. I cannot wait to read some more!
~ Zukafu
9/24/2015 c1 2Aske Nat
This was like a mix between a fairytale, Elder Scroll and something entirely new - the whole thing with Jerry the oracle had me laughing out loud! Nice job!

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