Just In
for Alpha

2/4/2016 c7 FreakLovesKink
Hell, that was fast!
My mind is so blown that I can't form a sentence to express my feelings.
2/4/2016 c7 HisPrincess1020
Wyatt is so off putting; he's moods sway so quickly, I like it! Very unique character
2/4/2016 c7 Guest
Love this story! I get so excited when I see updates in my email, I read each chapter twice in anticipation for the next, great job!
2/4/2016 c7 animegirl281
Awwww, poor wolf! I am hoping that nothing happens to Canuck. And please, I need more domination!
2/4/2016 c6 wooo
Cool chapter
2/4/2016 c6 linlinmono
Thanks a bunch for guving us another chapter. It was great and as always I'm sad when I get to the end of it.
2/4/2016 c6 Yandere-Chan
Holy shit that ending! Omg I love YOUR stories and this one is awesome as usual. I can't wait FOR more, please update soon!
2/4/2016 c6 1rAiNwAtEr1
An updateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Sorry, but honestly, how the heck do you update so fast! I'm in love, please carry my first unborn child?! On a more serious note - cough- I know it's retarded, but I check for an update on this story every damn day. Which I know is ridiculous in a sense that no one could update everyday but I feel an itch to check nevertheless.

What to say on this chapter: it was my favorite to date. Canuck wants a bitch! I couldn't stop cheering lol. This had me in stitches and even more disturbing, kind of excited! I'm such a twisted individual, lord help me. Wyatt's last comment about dominating Calics had me doing a little victory dance. I love the slow sweet torture you are putting us readers in. I'm a gluten for more so please feed me!
2/4/2016 c6 FreakLovesKink
So far my favorite chapter!
It's getting bettter and better!
'And the "I need to dominte you" part *melts as as puddle on the floor*'
2/3/2016 c6 9Safieri
Ohhhh yes, let's get to the domination please. I'm already popping the popcorn! Wyatt better get a move on before Canuck beats him to the punch (or would that be cherry?)

Dax is still a no show... When Calix mentioned Dax had taken everything with him I'll be honest. First thing I thought was "What idiot takes everything and leaves their partner with nothing? Their inexperienced partner who is also a family member?" Unless your name is Hansel or Gretel it's generally not something that happens.

Please update soon! I need my fix, you wonderful smut peddling dealer you. Also, I blame you for my sudden craving for freeze dried ice cream.
2/3/2016 c6 2JBFanatic
If Calix isn't up for the domination, I'll be happy to take his place. So serious.

I had a suspicion that Canuck was getting a little too interested in Calix after he licked his neck, and turns out my crazy thoughts picturing Calix as a den mother weren't so crazy. Poor Wyatt; Calix is coming in and rocking the boat between him and Canuck. But I am really interested to see what's going to happen between those two...and how this domination thing is going to play out.

I kinda like it when Calix gets all huffy and testy with Wyatt because I love when Wyatt's authoritative side comes out. It's so forceful and unapologetic; it's awesome. Probably not so awesome when you're faced with it yourself like Calix, but it makes for great reading lol.

I'm wondering how this search for Dax is going to turn out. After Wyatt's comment about maybe Dax leaving Calix on purpose, I've really been considering it, as awful as it is. But I mean, Dax took practically everything with him and left Calix to his own devices in the middle on the woods. I'm really hoping nothing happened to Dax and that he actually went back to the campsite after he did what he had to do, and I hope he's out looking for Calix himself. But what if something happened, or what if he really did leave him? Two awful thoughts but two very real possibilities. I can't wait to see how it all plays out.
2/3/2016 c6 LaileyxX
"Remember when I said I'd give you something even better later?"
I was just like... he totally means his dick. I mean come on. You're implying it, I'm implying it, let's skip to the dirty stuff before this cock block of a wolf comes in.
2/3/2016 c6 Guest
The brother thing is getting so intruiging. Either he's as much of an airhead as Calix (and if so are the parents also airheaded enough to let the two of them go off into the mountain wilderness on their own?) or more likely he deliberately left Calix with nothing when he walked off. But who would want to bump off Calix? Plus Calix clearly adores his big brother. I could imagine as a sibling that he could be irritating but no threat surely.
Meanwhile the pack dynamic is getting very very exciting!
2/3/2016 c6 HisPrincess1020
More please!
2/3/2016 c6 ArtisteVirago
I'm still wondering what happened to his brother.
Oh I would definitely love to see Calix dominated haha.
Mmmm Astronaut Ice Cream XD.

Love your stories!
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