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for Ephemeral

3/1/2016 c1 Guest
aah youre such a good writer

this one could quickly become a new favourite story of mine, the only thing thats worrying me is its all hinting to a sad ending! i hate those !
2/29/2016 c2 sigea
And I can already tell this fic is going to break my heart :( But I love your name choices! Super creative.
2/29/2016 c1 sigea
Omg how? How can one person put out amazing story after amazing story when it's not even your job? I hope you know how ridiculously talented you are. You don't just write stories, you create worlds! The things you write are the types of stories that lead to fanfics. As soon as I read this I started to imagine my own little world in the story you created. You have such an amazing gift, and thank you so much for sharing it with your readers! Honestly, whenever I read something by you it makes my whole day.
2/29/2016 c1 9Mickey Phinney
Hmmm, so far so good :)
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