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6/29/2022 c1 knockmeoffmyfeet
Hello there! I would like to invite you to join our platform to present a good quality story to our readers! Send me a message if this offer piqued your interest!
4/10/2021 c1 AvegaLil
“Best Books I’ve Read. ... If you have some great stories like this one, you can publish it on Novel Star, just submit your story to or
1/30/2021 c7 Chimel321
Wow , I can’t believe 5 years later and I’m still waiting for this story lol , happy writing
12/11/2016 c6 Mrs. Awesomesauceness
I like the depth of this story.
12/4/2016 c6 shinju asuka
Something bad happened to her in the past? The flashback shows her childhood is normal. What happened? :(
11/8/2016 c1 Fish go moo
This story is amazing
11/6/2016 c5 Chimel321
Well, that escalated quickly! Great writing tho. Can't wait for the next chapter. Keep going
11/6/2016 c5 1Xx-eiznekcam-xX
Wow... I did not expect that! But it was awesome. Thanks for posting!
9/26/2016 c4 Imaginary Girl xox
Love it!
8/11/2016 c3 8http.thatrandomgirl
Eeek this was an awesome chapter! Ced sounds really cool and you also mentioned blue Doritos and oreo Cadbury bars so I'm automatically in love with this story!
Oh and thank you for the dedication, that was so nice! :)
8/11/2016 c3 Chimel321
Wow, that was sooooo good. Aawww thanks by the way. I always new the character had a soft side. Take your time in writing the next amazing chapter. Happy writing
8/1/2016 c2 Chimel321
Please,please,please finish the story
5/9/2016 c2 http.thatrandomgirl
Can't wait to read more of this! You deserve more reviews, it's great :D Update soon
5/9/2016 c1 http.thatrandomgirl
OMG THIS IS SO GOOD! I love Tristan already and your writing is just really good! :)

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