Just In
for One Way Mirror

5/18/2020 c11 Guest
Really like this story. It is something different, hope you will update it one day! Great work
6/18/2017 c1 aynaarah
..uh.. this one I find difficult to read from the start ..
the description .."young genius.. bad attitude.. very little trust.. dark past.." is exactly like "chocolate" & "rebel" ..
Frau seems to be a little alien ..I think I am expecting a register of words with something more chaotic, rough and untamed or harder to understand or veiled..

..there is so so much "tell" in this prologue.. and it is only making me more confused and tired..

confused because I can't pinpoint Cole and Frau.. can't even sketch anything.. things deny one another?
Frau - red Petra eyes - chocolate hair,
- intelligent - looking..blissful (drugged, dummy look?!)
Cole - "Cole's back hit the wall" - "some habits never die" ..is this guy intimidated or welcoming and tolerating the aggression? and even regarding it with amusement.. is this guy familiar or unfamiliar with Frau.. can he afford it in his role and how much? from the thoughts and expressions in the prologue he doesn't seem to have any limits..

..I also can't feel the setting.. ..if it is a scientific environment.. as some clues seem to imply.. ..then "some habits never die" may turn in exactly what habits and how many times a day.. ..and things would be far far from "half-assed"..
..some things are overly stated and rather seem to ruin the effect.. "people were watching.. at any given time" when you already spoke about "cameras" and "all angles".. ..like camera calls for both time and space..

..here the author loves too much the characters using many tender words when referring to them..

..to many meaningful words and writings :)..
5/2/2017 c11 5Wordsmith1994
I love this! So well done. The whole ending part with the woman and Frau was realistic and gripping. I loved little touches at the beginning, like Frau needing "alone time," the gum (with the "complicated move to save it" -perfect for a child) and then when the man was looking at Frau like "Frau was the problem."

I really enjoyed this read. I hope there's more young Frau soon.
4/3/2017 c10 Wordsmith1994
Fun. Different to see Cole in this way. Interesting. Good to read.
3/21/2017 c9 Wordsmith1994
I enjoyed getting deeper into the characters this chapter, especially Kai and Morgan. The conversation with Kai was interesting, and I liked reading about Morgan being married and his plans. Great work! I'm looking forward to more.
2/25/2017 c8 1AyEIOuU
I'm confused. Why is Cole doing the research? I thought Frau would be the one responsible. He even argued with Morgan over it.
2/24/2017 c8 5Wordsmith1994
I'm still loving Morgan and the mystery angle there! Morgan and Cole are by far my favourite characters. Hot sex, too ;)
1/4/2017 c6 1AyEIOuU
I have to do a double take whenever you change scenes, especially when you open the next scene with a dialogue. Only when the following conversation makes no sense then I realise it'd changed. For some it's unnecessary, but you should use a horizontal line break or something similar so it'll be clearer.
1/2/2017 c7 5Wordsmith1994
Very interesting! I do like Morgan - he's a sympathetic character. I can't wait to find out what happens with this e-mail list. The plot is really drawing me in.
11/28/2016 c6 Guest
Really liking this. They have great chemistry , although the prologue doesn't seem to bode well. Hope they sort themselves out in the end
11/28/2016 c6 Wordsmith1994
Below review was me - forgot to put my name.
11/28/2016 c6 Guest
Wow! Very explicit. I didn't think Cole would be so dominant. Now I'm curious about what Frau is like inside. Morgan is an interesting character, too. I can't wait to read more :)
10/3/2016 c5 Wordsmith1994
I loved the dinner party with the argument - realistic and well written. Cole's personality comes through clearly here, and he's very sympathetic. The whole conversation with Frau in the clearing is interesting. And great ending - a lot of suspense. A very enjoyable read!
9/12/2016 c2 Wordsmith1994
I really like the character of Cole - he's well drawn. I like how he interacts with the students and is afraid of getting fired. I also like 'The Union' - scary sounding organization! Morgan is interesting, too. There's a lot here to draw the reader in. I'm looking forward to the next instalment.
9/11/2016 c4 thecowonthebox
Like you said the monster is just lying under the surface ! Poor Cole ! lol
I've read the prologue again and now, I understand a lots of things...
Thanks for the new chapter
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