Just In
for Rain

8/27/2016 c1 5AngelW101
I love rain. So this poem too, it was refreshing and so beautiful. :)
8/4/2016 c1 jadey36
Have enjoyed all of your latest offerings, especially the poems.

Funnily enough, it just ceased raining as I read this and the sun has come out and there's that after-the-rain scent in the air, the one you describe in your poem :)
8/4/2016 c1 meganthewolf
Very refreshing :)
8/4/2016 c1 3Dante Wallace's Ghost
This was beautiful. I think my favourite line has to be about when the leaves "release a soft perfume" as I know exactly what you mean and it brought back memories of being in the forest near my grandparent’s house when it rained. I look forward to reading more of your work!

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