Just In
for Supernatural Self-Help

11/2/2021 c1 lostlamb
I enjoyed seeing their dynamic and understanding the thoughts of the vampire since his voice isnt really heard throughout the story. The little glimpse into how their dynamic started was nice.
11/2/2021 c2 lostlamb
I love this. So nice to see through Piper’s eyes. Find out a little about this terror form only possible for super dominant fucks. Love hearing about that static that is his side of the Mate bond which is such a contrast from Rory’s side where we never hear about the bond unless Piper is feeling something really intense or in the moments when Rory is super stressed. I kinda wish we would see the Bond from the beginning from Piper’s side when it was all clear. Even seeing how the bond changes as Rory accepts his wolf im so happy. Although i am a little sad about Amy. I didnt know shes was actively trying to date Piper that’s a little fucked. Even if Rory is only trying to be Mate friends and seemed to be more interested in Soren its just a little odd in my eyes. I do hope that Piper can learn to trust the pack more and make real real friends. Excited.
12/10/2016 c1 26TriploblasticSkies
Thank god you published it in September! I thought I'd have to give up on RHGtM like Quinntesential and To Love a Loser, and I just COULD NOT.

I like the vampire, and I hope to see more of these updates, but basically for Rory and Piper and Soren because I'm hooked.
11/2/2016 c1 Avocado
Man i've missed ur writing style. Pls continue to update cos it's really a treat to read.
10/24/2016 c1 Guest
Tongue-in-cheek and cynical. I missed this particular brand of sarcasm! Really really interesting, and i can't wait for something like Zee Zee to bump into Jamie later when everything hits the fan and everyone meets up to defeat the huns.
9/29/2016 c1 Fuzzipueo
Thanks for this story. I like their relationship. I hope you share more of their stories!
9/21/2016 c1 Dontwannalogit
Yooooo turn up! I cried tears of joy when I got the email about this. Wooo

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