Just In
for Omega, Triggered

7/17/2024 c1 2IbukIndonesia
The characters, the vocabularies, the descriptions, are just... immaculate. Wonderful adult story. I really enjoyed the build up!
12/6/2021 c3 lostlamb
im excited to see where the story goes
12/21/2018 c3 E.M. Grinstead
Oh, plz update!
1/31/2017 c3 kiki19857
1/2/2017 c3 reader
please keep going. I beg of you
12/6/2016 c3 3Fryvi
That's all there is to say really x) I liked the characters and story and I'm very much looking forward to seeing what happens next.
Procrastination and escapism are both very good for inspiration..
11/22/2016 c3 Guest
Poor Shiloh he tried so hard not to succummb! I am excited for the next one, especially for the characters reactions to eachother!
11/21/2016 c2 Guest
I like this. I like it a lot.

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