Just In
for The Pack

12/28/2021 c1 RedEyes1012
We are currently holding a werewolf-themed writing contest, with the total prize pool of $30,000.
We are inviting you to join the competition, and win your prize. The authors who participate on the contest will also get a chance to be a contracted author, and monetize their work. Check out the following link for more information.
(www). (slash) 3ldOlyi
1/31/2018 c3 IsntItFunny
Oh yeah, Taylor mumbled something about Jave in her fever of the transformation! I wonder if that is who she is pictured with. That is pretty neat that Taylor owns a hunting supply shop.
1/31/2018 c2 IsntItFunny
What is going on between Mason and Taylor? It was cool to see that Taylor is stronger than a man in the pack already
1/31/2018 c1 IsntItFunny
I liked this first chapter. It was a nice transition for the main character to go from human to supposed werewolf. What happened to Taylor's arm that she doesn't want people asking questions about?

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