Just In
for Gakuen St Warriors

4/3/2023 c24 6Darth Zannacross
Man this is one long Uh Oh, but Ms E 's trolling is just getting started, though I'm not sure just how much of this is the cunning of the E.

Well, time does fly when your having fun and slow when your in a moment of dread it seems, did not think it would lead to a power up moment but sure, match's the insanity of this show I guess. But we will see how really crazy things will get with this confrontation with Kian sometime in the future.
3/31/2023 c5 38Starart152
This is a nice bit of world building of the academy with the Councilors and the big personality of the one who inflict the punishment's around the place.
As for Ria, she had a lot to adjust for the academy and little time. She might be busy to learn the rules and avoid to face punishment in the matter.
3/31/2023 c23 6Darth Zannacross
Been a while but lets try and catch up with these crazy warriors, as we got a even more crazy chapter today, uh oh in deed.

Good thing Ria got that belt or she might have had a even more awkward time, looks like the bus crashing might be the more favorable outcome for her at this point but we will see.
3/29/2023 c4 38Starart152
This is a fun chapter with the attack of the Hot Pink. Those girls are obviously insane and can surely get pretty violent against their rivals.
I wonder what their next plan might be.
9/24/2021 c145 3Folding Turtles
Whew, I'm finally caught up. I still think Haru's safer for Ria, and that Ryuu has it out for her...
9/24/2021 c125 Folding Turtles
My random thoughts:

#106 - Still trust Haru more. I think Ria is starting to fall in love with Ryuu, though.

#109 - almost read "one night before the Ceremonies" as "one night before Christmas". Guess I'm just that excited for the holidays, even though it isn't even Halloween yet. Henry and Kuran sound like an old married couple. XD

#110 - Bet Henry took Ria's Tabeez. Never mind. He took her parents' letter. The part about Ria's new wardrobe looking like four dresses reminded me of Lady Gaga's famous four-layered dress for the Met Gala, Camp Edition.

#111 - I rather like Ria's POV; think it's easier to write mental reactions and switch up the style that way. Third-person POV is usually more standardized because it needs to fit all the other characters, But then again, I think I wrote a comment about this a while back, related to the INTENSE third-person POV psychoanalysis in Crime and Punishment.

#112 - RE: Ria's "black strapless top"...back in the 1800s, ladies wore whalebone corsets that were laced so tight, their internal organs ACTUALLY SHIFTED - like LEGIT shifted. There are anatomical diagrams of the ladies from that time period with their kidneys up where their hearts are, and such... RE: Asta's dress...I'm imagining Elsa the Ice Queen's wardrobe, on steroids. Partnering bets: Ria x Ryuu. Henry x the one scary girl who put the Trace on everyone because they're both insanely MENTAL. Asta x the other (singing) ice queen who dresses like Elsa from Frozen in the Blue Faction. Kian x his brother.

#125 - Ria's parents are in trouble with the top dogs and ran away to Tibet. OH NO!
9/21/2021 c2 25hazelnutbrew
I think that we’re introduced to some interesting characters here, from the teacher to Henry the blond-haired kid that intervened on Ria’s behalf. I wonder what the clan dynamics are between each of these characters, though gosh, I can tell that shenanigans are about to go down when it comes to these characters. Seeing their interactions were interesting. Though according to the things that have happened thus far, I think that Ria is in for quite a trippy school experience, and what I mean by that is that she’s on a one-way ticket to HELL xD Seriously, there are so many crazy antics that happen in the story, such as first with the wax candle melting on her face and now there’s a potential fight with students already talking about clan enemies and having animosity towards her because of her clan association or whatever, and now we have a teacher that is just as zany as the class population as well. I think the teacher is very interesting and I like all the characters' introductions here, as they are a very colorful cast that promises a lot of conflict and of course SHENANIGANS that lead to an exciting plot full of wonder, mysticism, and Youkai, most likely. I wonder how Ria is going to survive the supernatural threats and clan animosities and scary and powerful teachers that can subdue the student population with a threatening aura. Though I think that Ria while adjusting to her surroundings, will learn how to adapt, though it’s interesting that her parents kept so many secrets from her about the school and what it would be like. But if you had to deal with something like that every day, I guess they didn’t want to permanently scare her and relocate to another country. I wonder if she’s still considering relocating to another country, especially after all that happened. Woo. What a wild ride. I think this story is promising and I certainly hope that you continue writing more. Please keep up the good work!
9/21/2021 c1 hazelnutbrew
This looks like a promising start. One, I love things with Youkai in them. Two, I love stuff that has supernatural and magic in them. Three, I love anime/manga style stories (obviously) and things involving supernatural school so school life is right up my alley! I like teen protagonists and characters, especially since they’re so prominent in shounen-style anime. But anyway, onto the review! The introductory hook about the Youkai race and how they had dwindled to extinction through humankind, along with the five sacred kings or whatever that come from another time and dimension was an interesting bit of lore that I want to learn more about. Of course, the fact that the main character doesn’t believe in such legends and lore is understandable, because it’s apparently a piece of history or whatever that has faded into obscurity. Though the fact that she’s going to school and her parents sent her off without so much as a word about what it means and entails is interesting, though eventually, she finds out later that there is significance in the lore piece that she read about. But yes, not missing the bus is very important when it comes to going to school, though it seems like shenanigans are to be had before she steps aboard said bus, it seems. Her parents seem to be holding some interesting secrets away from their daughter before they send her off to the supernatural school in question, though I think that this story and premise is something that I like very much. You’ve done a good job introducing a compelling hook and a likable protagonist that has some snark and teenage attitude but it’s perfectly understandable why she’s acting that way because she’s dumped off to a school that she has no idea about and has a mysterious incident with the candle that she must not let burn out for some reason. I’m only summarizing my thoughts for the first chapter of what I remember reading, but I wanted to give you a proper review because I remember you reviewed one of my stories, Onmyouji Eclipse, and wanted to properly thank you by giving you a review. Please continue keeping on writing, your story is very good, and besides that, it’s a long-runner, which is the type of story I like!
9/20/2021 c101 3Folding Turtles
#93 - first section sounds like what I imagine Edward Cullen must have been feeling as he was sucking the venom out of Bella in Twilight #1...

#99 - My theories: Ryuu placed the barrier around Ria's house. Haruka and Ria were blood bonded when Ria was little. Hey, maybe Ria's related to both Ryuu and Haruka because her parents were star-crossed lovers from both Clans...

Laughed so much during this Arc. So much fun! XD
9/18/2021 c90 Folding Turtles
The Trace sounds like a Yokai version of Fifty Shades of Grey... XD
9/16/2021 c89 Folding Turtles
The newspaper headlines bit several chapters ago was so funny. My cheeks hurt from smiling after that. :)

The whole debacle about Yokai eating humans reminds me dreadfully of Malthusianism. Gloom and doom over no food. You start wondering if they make distinctions about "organic" vs. "natural" vs. "free-range" vs. "conventional" food just like we do at the egg aisle in the grocery store. BTW the FDA or some other food regulatory agency has never been able to accurately define "natural," so it's really more of a marketing gimmick. XD

The Three Clans... Have you ever read/watched Good Omens? Angels and demons... The same actor from Doctor Who Season 4 is the snaky demon in that show. Same fashion style could work with Kian, IMO. And the angel's style would totally match Henry. Asta could probably go with Balenciaga x Chanel. Ria with Moschino - also think she'd be a Bao Bao Issey Miyake type of girl. ;)
9/15/2021 c80 Folding Turtles
The instant I read *Mia bella* I was thinking of The Addams Family...

Cara Mia...
Mon cher..

Couples goals, eh?

9/15/2021 c73 Folding Turtles
OMG the Shrines are like temples crossed with Voldemort's Horcruxes. Side note: I used to watch a TV show in my middle school years called Ancient Aliens that had a bunch of conspiracy theories about how various aspects of human civilization development were actually through alien intervention, e.g., the Phoenicians bringing the alphabet to everyone and then mysteriously disappearing, the bubonic plague appearing after an UFO appears in the sky over Middle England, ... The comment about the Yoki having built the Pyramids reminded me of that show.
9/9/2021 c72 Folding Turtles
Still think there's a plan for Ria to usurp Haru. Other thoughts:

#59 - the musty old book smell you mentioned reminded me of the time I borrowed Rebecca (original book from the 1930s) from the library. The House Selection process is more evidence of St. Warriors being a magical frat IMO. "Henry hated everything PROCESSED" - have Kuran order him some protein powder for bulking season.

#62 - throwing up water sounds as painful as waterboarding.

#67 - wizards ride broomsticks; yoki ride swords - lol

#68 - maybe: Ryuu vs. Haru Wild West high noon (or, in this case, midnight) style showdown

#70 - in response to one of the questions you included in Ria's profile: I think that as much as they don't like each other, Ria x Kuran just might work. XD

Wow, I've made it about halfway through what you've uploaded so far.
9/4/2021 c58 Folding Turtles
I feel like the entire St. Warriors Academy is some EXTREMELY HYPED UP version of college Greek life initiation, with all the traditions you need to study and the hierarchy of members and all the rituals and ceremonies presided over by old bigwigs. Yes...because so far, Freshers initiation, and from what I can tell right now, Partnering big/little pairings.

I think the woman in Ria's dream was the weeping angel statue from some chapters before.

School starts every Halloween. How fitting for such a scary institution.

Last random thought: so far, it seems like all the kiddos have a lot of hardware - chains, stones, clan gowns, other knickknacks, the Tabeez, etc... They are just about as loaded as a Chanel Arts de Métier show. I think they should also have a pocket-watch. XD
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