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for Mating Instinct

12/23/2021 c1 aliziahnoor
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10/11/2018 c1 Sorry no account
Me, again!

The premise of this story is original and I love that. Hard to find in the werewolf category these days. Super funny how her brother tried to control who would be with his sister when she entered her first heat. Looking forward to the next chapter!
10/6/2018 c7 Sorry no account
I wonder what the spirit presence was at the edge of the border.
9/29/2018 c7 sorry no account
Smut and a plot! Loving the supernatural quilt of culture that this story has. Enjoying this story immensely.
9/13/2018 c7 annabanana1994
I feel as frustrated hahaha
8/2/2018 c5 annabanana1994
This is getting better and better! Please, keep going! Can't wait for more!
7/29/2018 c4 Guest
Chapter titles will be appreciated! ALSO IM EXTREMELEY EXCITED FOR THIS. I have no idea where it’s heading but I’m down for the ride!
7/26/2018 c4 Lindalamr
I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes.
7/11/2018 c3 annabanana1994
Will Nick and Luke have sex with Georgia even though the already have mates?
7/10/2018 c2 Chimel321
This is a great story and I can’t wait to read more although I would like it better if you finished the story’s you started before jumping into another one with another plot e.g I really like Adams choice and Meredith’s will but you never finished it and I’m quite uneasy as I don’t have the imagination to make up a scenario. I love your stories but I just wish you’d finish them up . Love and kisses.

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