Just In
for The Lamb Who Cried Wolf

1/6/2022 c1 4ChildAtHeart94
Wow! With such a short story you were able to tell a great fable. It actually reminded me of my experiences working with special ed. I've met a lot of teachers that are good at what they do, though it seems good special ed teachers are hard to find. If a teacher doesn't want to take the time to understand a non verbal child like Safa then its nearly impossible to learn to love and understand them. When I worked at a high school the general ed teachers didnt like having special ed teachers in our class. Once they were blamed for stealing something when the teacher actually misplaced the item. There's a really good book called 'Out of my Mind' about a paralyzed girl who is extremely smart and some of the same themes in that book I found here in this story. Even if Safa could speak or if some of the villagers learned how she communicated-she would still be misunderstood by many. I did find minor grammar errors like how it says 'Bear' at some point instead of 'bare'. But those are minor things because you are a great writer. You do a great job at showing, not telling. Some authors make you feel like a child because they over explain stuff or write pages and pages of exposition. When I started reading this I thought it was going to be simular to the boy who cried wolf, but reading this was a plot twist. I like how at the end you describe the waves roaring like a wolf. So in a way the water is the wolf and Safa is trying to warn people the only way she knows how. What a great read, thanks for posting this :)
11/10/2021 c1 42The Youngest Mistress
Damn. My heart goes to Safa. I hate it when bullies and the like do NOT get disciplined.
I enjoyed the ending.
8/28/2021 c1 1punktrashnoiz
Wow, it's so interesting to see a neurodivergent character in this type of setting! Kids like that have a hard enough time in our society. In all honesty, I feel like the people in the town lowkey got what they deserved. For her own parents to not try to understand her, and to even hope that she might die, is just so awful. And don't even get me started on Safa's awful teacher.

I'm glad that Safa made it to safety at least! Maybe she'll be better off without her parents?
8/2/2021 c1 30Aviantei
This one is heartbreaking to read because of the awful way Ŝafa is treating for having a language processing difficulty, and it’s even more heartbreaking that shit like this happens in real life, too. My heart goes out to Ŝafa, so good work with your emotional resonance on this piece. And with that ending…I don’t wanna say the town deserved it, but…they kinda deserved it.

Always glad to see the completion of another piece, and I’ll be sure to drop off a review on the other one shot you shared soon!

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