Just In
for To Those in Darkness

4/2/2002 c1 14Antithesis
broad grin
1/11/2002 c1 Scythe1
Beautifully told, ArwenAria! Like another reviewer mentioned, I like the corellation between the Sun and the Son :-) -amy
1/11/2002 c1 1Drying Tears of Blood
Embodiment of utmost creativity. Wonderful!
11/26/2001 c1 Snowshoe Hare
Just out of curiosity, if there were no light? how could she see Him and what He does? Other than that, good job.
11/19/2001 c1 MeatLoaf the Happy Donkey
You are a very good writer.
10/9/2001 c1 3Kara Angelle
Very good, I liked this alot, how the girl who had seen the light shone so others could see through her. I wanna write a story like this, I'll try to anyways... I liked yur symbolism, but then I generally always love symbolism, yur's was especially accurate. In Spiritual Rainstorm I only told of the condition of one girl, yet you showed an entire world lost, which is how it truly is.
9/25/2001 c1 Kathryn Angelle - not signed in but Geoff and Erien h's been updated
*siiiiiiiigh* AAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaah! This is like An Eden Day, all miraculous vision and sparkling imagry. You (and Kara Angelle) do this so remarkably well...I am in awe...your work makes me cry.

And now other stuff; VERY IMPORTANT SENSE OF BELONGING/BELONGING TO SOMEONE STUFF EMAIL ME! You HAD to go killing Boromir, didn't you? Other other; sorry the site hasn't been updated, pretty please f'give me etc. Other other other; Geoff, Erien, and the Troll has a new chapter, looky when you can. Other other other other; I'll have a new chapter for BtS soon, but Papa keeps sending me to bed :( Very last other; How do you manage to turn out chapters so fast? Golly!
9/24/2001 c1 17ArwenStar914
YAAAYYYYY! THIS WAS THE MOST WONDERFUL ALLEGORY I HAVE EVER READ IN MY ENTIRE LIFE! =)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=) This was soooooooooo excellent! =)=)=) **sighs blissfully** Wonderful Anor - though wonderful does not begin to describe Him. I liked the corrolation of Him being the Sun - both the Sun and the Son, heehee. =) Wow, this was sooo good! Excellent, excellent, I love it dearly! =) I shall read this often. =) Well done! I could continue my rantings, but dinner calls and I might rant forever. =) "Farewell, wherever you fare, till your eyries receive you at your journey's end..." **ArwenStar**
9/24/2001 c1 ifollowapollo
very good-lovely and engaging style

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