Just In
for The Way I Feel

6/5/2004 c1 26Chi Ame
Wow! I like it. It sounds like you've found yourself the typical guy; makes you fall in love, but never tells you what's on his mind... unless he wants something from you, of course.
8/30/2002 c1 12Aries28
How sad . . .self-doubt, or rather, the doubt of another, really is an awful thing. It makes good poems, though!
7/27/2002 c1 14reveileb maerdyad
aww, this really leaves me w/ a giddy feeling i can't quite shake off! i think i've just found a kindred spirit here..^^

though i don't think i've ever been in love, i HAVE had lots of frustrating infatuations and i know the feeling very, very much; and you've managed to capture each moment perfectly! great poem for all us hopeless romantics out there!

btw, my username is simply 'daydream believer' backwards - just goes to show how much of a dreamer i am, eh? =)thanks for wondering!
7/21/2002 c1 24Robs
I have gone through this, opposite sexes of course, alot and it really represented it perfectly.
1/16/2002 c1 devina
your the best
12/31/2001 c1 MADtvfanatic i am too lazy to sign in
Wow. This poem fits my feelings for somebody PERFECTLY...this is such a great poem...who needs famous poets who make no sense when we have YOU! I have also written some poems so please read them but you have TALENT!
12/6/2001 c1 4Firebolt -2002
out of the room you've sucked the air

you've got a fabulous poem out there

i loved the beginning, i luved the end

mystic gal, you're an awesome friend.

i did not know there was a poet in you...

but seriously now.. there's.. no one like you...
11/10/2001 c1 48Sun Chime
i love it adz, even though im your beta reader and ive seen it before.it is fab. i reviewed from my bros comp, my compz gone crazy

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