Just In
for Rider & His Princess

1/1/2005 c1 named
You really have a gift, you know that? Don't ever stop writing. They are really good. This might be my favorite yet.
10/12/2004 c1 12visiondust
gwahahha. i have found you. the stupid search must be broken.
anyhow. i wrote a poem on the same topic today, and i now i know why the stupid document manager won't let me upload it. i will just be shaming myself.
i like the way you make everything flow so nicely into each other while paiting just a beautiful picture with your words.
the purty imagery and metaphors express the feelings of the characters as well as the atmosphere so perfectly well.
1/3/2004 c1 36Somnia
Oh, this is beautiful! The sort of poetry I always wished I could write...I envy your talent with this genre. I wnat to write about and like that! Oh, this is going onto my favorites list right away.
Somnia x
12/27/2003 c1 29MelodyReiterLee
How romantic! Nice... ^_^
6/18/2003 c1 Leigh Nithra
it was really good, and i completely understand
10/13/2002 c1 2Lotuss Tears
Truely after all this time you still have that writers Magic, though i'm reviewing this well after it was posted i'm no less amazed by your work then i was back in the day possibly moreso.

I hope Life is treating you well
5/5/2002 c1 8Infinitybliss
geez, that made me cry. I loved the end. A really well written poem!
5/1/2002 c1 1Raining
Very effective structure. Beautiful, lush images spoken of in an almost-reverent whisper. Lovely rippling rhythym throughout the poem, and the last stanza adds the note of poignancy to the poem. Another very nice work!
4/21/2002 c1 Kiyara
Hehe, Caribbean Blue's a great song. ;) I really like this; it flows nicely and sounds really neat when spoken out loud, although I haven't the slightest clue what it means. ^^ Nice job!
4/7/2002 c1 1Lady Hankosha
Rich and lovely. It moves on it's own-without any need for a mental push to begin the flow-and the images are beautiful. Makes me shiver.
4/7/2002 c1 2laventura
To say that I like this poem is an understatement. I got sucked into a reverie reading it. The poignant images and the fantastic inventions blend perfectly into a pretty dream. The 2nd person perspective: appeals at once both to my wanderlust and my desire for tranquility, which is really the all of me. But I dun like the alliteration of 'you' in the second stanzas. Yeah. Still, i'll come back and read it over and over. :)
4/5/2002 c1 12Occarum
heya..just wanted to say this is one of the best poems i've seen in quite a while..heck, it is the best.. been losing my dinner everytime Jon trys one of his new poems on me hehe.. oh and where on earth do you pull those dazzling images from? The ending is good too..
3/17/2002 c1 12Sundered Heart
Tis' not often that i come across such an excellent piece of poetry.My sole lament is that i had not discovered it earlier.My review shall be a short one for i find myself at a loss of words to properly express the magnifence of such a poem or how impressed I actually am.

The rythm and rhyme were excellent,the use of words perfect.I espcially enjoyed the final stanzas and how it brought the whole thing to a beautiful end.Again, a truely magnificent piece of poetry.I certainly hope to see more of your works.
2/19/2002 c1 spacecow
heylo~! i always like poems that rhyme. your rhymes come with depth. cool~!nice imagaries that gives a sense that life is as sweet as those beautiful lil dreams we haf when we were kids :P
2/19/2002 c1 SoAp
i LOVE this one. i think this is the ~BEST~ amongst all. Because @ least i understood what you were writing.
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