Just In
for You

9/21/2006 c1 razorbear
wow, i am a very critical person but i just truly liked that poem. Keep up the good work, youll have to let me know when you come up with more
12/9/2002 c1 glynn davies
hi i'm the guy from work, peugeot. i didn't know what i would find on this site but this one is very good. see you soon.
3/29/2002 c1 Aurin
amazing. utterly and completely amazing! I mean, how can you write like this? Great job, I loved the last few lines the best!
3/20/2002 c1 7Shellagh22
i liked this poem very much! makes me dream...(",)
1/17/2002 c1 1Apollonia
*sigh* very, very, very good. dare i say excellent.
12/31/2001 c1 24Tarawyn
Sweet, nice.
12/20/2001 c1 empty account
This is great.
12/11/2001 c1 p2
Your poem is so... *searches blindly for the right word* ...I don't know...it has that inexplicable something about it. Very special.
12/7/2001 c1 89167
Beautiful poem.
12/3/2001 c1 a friend
Very good use of repetition. Sentences "You

Daffodil yellow hues... twilight/You and your smile, sunshine bright" and "Wildflowers of china blue/Green green grass sparkling with dew/In my picture perfect world,/there is you." have a dream-like quality and capture emotions which transcend time. The sentences "You, constantly in my sight/Dark clouds loom in the sky/Sometimes you make me want to cry/And for you many teardrops are born/-and die" however are very much darker...and show in stark contrast against the rest...perhaps to bring out the difference between golden reveries and brutal reality?

Advice (specially directed to you): Dreams CAN come true...Try taking ACTUAL steps TO THE FRONT of you...
12/2/2001 c1 93Sidhe
whoever this was dedicated to is very lucky, because that was really touching and dreamy...-Sidhe
12/2/2001 c1 4nyx1
i like the way everything rhymes. and i especially love the last two lines ^_^
11/15/2001 c1 Farmer Brown
Hey, i havent read your story but...

Why did you review me?

Who are you?

And come back and read the rest of my stories soon
11/13/2001 c1 12RainFaery
wow... i love it =) it's so... nice, for lack of a better word... it's warm and sweet but it's also a little sad too... =)
11/13/2001 c1 SuperWOmaN 2lazy2signin
thats a really good poem, im gonna go read another one. I like the idea of repeating

the line about the grass.
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