Just In
for You

11/10/2001 c1 10jessiCA3
thats sweet. i dun't really have a "you" that i want in my perfect world. but i like this! :)*
11/5/2001 c1 scarr not signed in
oh glory. oh butterfly-drenched perfection. every line is sigh of pristine wistfulness. i wanted to tell you which line i liked the best but then i would have to paste the whole damn thing here again. bah. i wonder how you can alwasy make use of the simplest of words and yet spin it into the finest of silk. i am not exaggerating. this poem makes me happy. ('specially after the devastating hcl paper where i mussed up the 9/11 incident and natural disaster) *stupid buffoon flibbergibbet of me* (Alice :Yes, I know)
11/3/2001 c1 Chocolate Star
very nice i like your rhyming pattern! its really good! Check out my stuff athor name: Chocolate Star
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