Just In
for Orange's may be interesting

8/14/2004 c1 54orangepen23
I LOVE IT! Oh my friggity wiggity goodness. That was truly grand. way to go.
12/6/2003 c1 4AAGoddess-of-the-Ocean
Wow that was so cool! Random facts in there. lol it made me laugh! I usually don't like poems but this one was really good! not to mention WEIRD
ps) Please can you read and review my stories? #0_o# *puppy dog eyes*
11/9/2001 c1 31ChichiX
That dfidn't make sense, but I'm not sure if I will ever forget that. It was a disturbing song, but I alguhed like a maniac. Wait. What do I mean LIKE a maniac? I AM a maniac! !

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