Just In
for Two Poems

9/19/2002 c1 17Fey2Kim
thanks for reviewing... o_O? he was dead so i dont think he really had an opinion about her killing him.. or did you mean "she"? erf.. anyway.. STRONG EMOTIONS! They are both good. Strong emotions are nice.
8/12/2002 c1 7YoungRL
I like your poems. And I can understand what you mean, too. Good job at rhyming. The only thing I would say is that you should change the rating here from 'G' to either 'PG-13' to 'R,' because of your use of curse words =] Just a suggestion, though.
4/10/2002 c1 159Whiro
Wow, those were really good, You nailed those head on, I am impressed! I know exactly what you mean! Btw thanks for the review! Great Poem!

3/14/2002 c1 30LittleMaggie

that was intense!

Maybe too much swearing... in the second one...wow what happened to make you THIS mad?

its good thou don't get me wrong! ^_^
3/6/2002 c1 3theMuse
Oh, don't worry about that. I've already tried.
2/28/2002 c1 133RyanRKennedy
I like the poems both of them rhyme well. Though i hope you don't want to kill yourself
2/13/2002 c1 Callisto Moon
Very deep! I wanted to tell you that the first Chapter of the Elements is up. Really nice poems. They narrow it down to all the asses in the world

The rest of your writings are cool too!
1/26/2002 c1 Meghanna Starsong
wow, girl chic. i'm impressed. i really like those. they are chalked full w/ emotion and creative energy. good job.
1/6/2002 c1 268Grey Mitten
wow the fucker one was soooo cool. as far as i can tell, is it about people who don't like you? if not, then heh chalk it up to my brain. it's slow...but i really like these two poems. ^_^

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