Just In
for Fireworks

5/6/2011 c24 1sirius-black-is-not-dead
Ok, I have to give my honest opinion.

I didn't really like the ending.

Sure, it was a sweet story and you had my best attention (your detail in the Jester shows were great!) and I liked your characters, but the ending seemed rushed and... just a little too short. I really had a different vision of how things would go. For one, I liked the Princess Hikari and the fact that King Tobias went mad and into a homicidal rage seemed a little weird. You had ok build up to that point, making him paranoid-but it seemed to come from nowhere to me.

I guess my problem is that this fic didn't have more sad moments, regrets, and just... It was a good soft read for BL fans that like a happy ending, but with such a delicate thing like a Jester and Prince in love and a psychic advising against their loves seemed to make the issue bigger than it turned out to be. I expected the Emperor to be pissed (I wonder how he faired having his beloved daughter die on her wedding day and what he did after) and have some reconciliation for him, maybe make a separate arc for the royal family members (or Cass and his lover).

My point is, I felt that the ending was TOO happy and not enough of a climactic ending for a tough choice of choosing love over duty and friendship. I just think it could have been a more satisfying end if they worked a little harder for it. Maybe it is just me.

Anyway, until the ending I truly loved your fic. It is a good soft story with great detail, all it really needs is more hurts/regrets/bad stuff to make the happy ending more meaningful (and to make the Epilogue make more sense, I doubt that some people would have been as supportive of Tetra and Asaire's wedding, both male not withstanding).

I look forward to reading your other fics.
1/16/2011 c8 kookoos
oh snap hes the kings kid isnt he
1/6/2009 c24 Yaoi-Fairy
I really loved your story Fireworks. I was so glad that Tetra and Asaire where able to live happily. ek. Good job. sorry im not so talkative, kinda tired XD I started getting obsessed with Original fictions few days ago so I'm looking around. have a good day/night/morning/time.
12/1/2007 c24 SesshoumaruTakahashi
That was the BEST story I have ever read.. Now I am going to search through your page to see if I can find anymore. ^^
1/24/2007 c23 Mirrorlily
Lovely story; I just read the whole thing in one sitting. The descriptions of Asaire's acts were delightfully entertaining and creative. I'm confused about one thing, though... At the end of chapter 23, it says that Oma found three bodies, but only two deaths are written about. I think. Did I miss something?
12/11/2006 c20 1beloved18
12/7/2006 c11 beloved18
o i luv this story ^^
8/20/2006 c24 Jolene
That was by far one of the most beautiful endings I've ever had the pleasure of reading
1/30/2006 c24 Alicia
XD Oh my gosh... I loved this! ^_^^_^ It was so super-duper amazing! *squee!*
10/25/2005 c24 2Sora Kohaku
Wonderful story! And, such a unique plot, too. May I take your story's hand in marriage? 'Cause I certainly love it that much.
10/8/2005 c24 1Prisoner-11
Sweet! You had me hating and loving you all through the story, evil evil person. :: dances in happiness ::
8/25/2005 c24 Soul's Eclipse
Love it!
5/20/2005 c8 5Vaush
OH. i know whats going to happen... his dad is actually the king...
5/20/2005 c5 Vaush
Love it!
5/20/2005 c4 Vaush
Really ggod so far. love the Asaire character.
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