Just In
for Capture Moonlight in a Jar

5/28/2004 c1 sunrise sparrow
i love it, the rymes dont sound forced. infact goes realy smoothly. i like the passage in time.
4/24/2003 c1 Lady Rheia
that poem is so cute. Very creative! : )
3/11/2003 c1 JazzPizza
A nice sentiment of experiencing life through innocent, imaginative eyes- exploring joy. I don't know. I'm rambling. Sweet poem.
5/25/2002 c1 30Renaldo the oreo ninja KITTEN
This is so cool! I like fantasy, and this poem is neat. :D I wish I could swim with a mermaid...
5/15/2002 c1 24pennydeath
This poem just made me smile...great! ^_^
5/7/2002 c1 Ariana3
Amazing! Absolutely astounding! There's no words in which to describe this poem. It's safe to say this is probably my favorite. :O)
5/6/2002 c1 zerotmighty
i never new you were sucha poet
3/16/2002 c1 3aimster mcmudd
this is somehow,subtley romantic.it would make an excellent song...but i thinks it's great!
3/2/2002 c1 2Penguin-Major Nora
Happy optimisticness! It's happy and happy and makes me happy! Yaaaaaay!
2/26/2002 c1 eclecticmum
Aw, reminiscent of all the perfect little children's poems that I remember reading as a child. As I said before, your use of fantasy imagery is just lovely. It reminds me of a childlike innocence that I miss in much of modern life. It is nice to recapture it again for a moment, even if that moment is only the length of a poem.
2/22/2002 c1 Flightless Angel1
Somehow, I could imagine everything happening while I was reading! :) You're gifted, SnowLily52... lol!
2/20/2002 c1 cquill13
WOW! LILERS! HOW DID YOU DO THAT? That was just soooooo... undescribable! I really felt that poem coming into me; as if all the things in the world were possible! Especially the last line, that was wonderful. 'As dawn fades into a whole new day', wow. That's all I can say. Just wow. And the rhyming! Lily, seriously, you REALLY are brilliant. *Sigh* I wish I had your talent.


2/5/2002 c1 2Undraya
very good! a fantasy twist to it too. wow- that'd be a good day huh? Plus i think you are to talented with poems you better write more like this!
2/3/2002 c1 12All Mighty Terrestrial
This reminds me of a couple of things. One is the song "Catch a falling star." The other is a lullaby I heard so long ago I've forgotten most of it. I think it goes something like this. "Neath the silver moon Keep with you this tune Dream surround you soon Sleep the sleep of kings Dark on velvet wings While the twilight sings" and there's some more after that. Anyway, your poem is very lyrical and dreamy. I like it.
2/2/2002 c1 Reine
Among all your poems that you have written, I have to say this is my favorite so far. It's so fun and playful! I just love it!
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