Just In
for Daughter of the Desert

3/5/2002 c1 Eclipse of Stars
I love it! Are you going to continue, I'm looking forward to more of Maxine's adventure
2/21/2002 c1 12Celestial DreamBlaze
Hey Alexia Goddess... i was skimming my reviews and i saw your name.. i wanted to read your stories and this one took my interest the best..

I love egypt and the pyramids.. i like knowing of its ancient times too... and that means i love your story.

I hope you post more on this... because its really great.. and i wanna see what tut is gonna do with the sweet daughter of the dessert...

I like how your imagination took you and it sounds really unique..

Post more soon.. thanks for reviewing... love it lots... much mahal and mahalo... bai bai -.~ ^^
2/21/2002 c1 4Lildudet
Dear Alexia Goddess,

I love your story Daughter of the Desert. I have never read such a good storie before and I was hoping you would write more.

Yours truly,

2/15/2002 c1 5Abinikai
OMG! That is AWSOME! I love it! Please, Oh I beg you, write more!
2/14/2002 c1 17Shadowofdragons
oooo..Like the story so far...What happends next?
2/11/2002 c1 liriele starfire
Oh Please post more! I'm so into this story...it's great! So please post more soon!
2/11/2002 c1 Hanalee
This is a great beginning, so please continue!
2/10/2002 c1 Mandi
OMG, I love this fic! It's really interesting and I can't wait to read more! =)
2/9/2002 c1 Ky
Cool story. Write more!
2/9/2002 c1 liriele
Great fanfic! Please post more soon...I really want to know what will happen to Maxine...er..Kilitatarah and King Tut so please post more soon!
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